Weak needles or a rough rooter?

UHg, I am two days max from being done with rooting Elodie’s head and I just snapped my last needle, :cold_sweat: which was broke in half already. Now, tomorrow I have to place an order for more needles(38 g) so I can be done with this kit. Ideal hands until then. :scream: I think I am too rough. But I stopped heating the head, I think my lamp light heats the head enough. I also stopped using rice socks since this tends to jerk and pull more hair back into the head. Heck I lost 20 % of my hair this way. I guess I will paint until I get my needles in. :smirk:

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Have you tried filling the head with polypellets? I fill them up to the neck groove, then pack them tightly with paper towels then root away. Because the vinyl doesn’t ‘give’ I hardly ever break a needle. They wear out before then. I never heat my heads. Do you use a rooting tool or bare needles?


I find also when rooting thé head doesn’t give when filled with fibrefill…but know that thé poly pellets would bé much better even…hope your new needles arrive soon…!

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I guess I need to try this also, thanks ladies :blush:

I’m definitely going to try this method. While I was rooting my last one, I broke over 20 needles!!:astonished:


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Ouch, Denise! Sorry this head is being difficult. :confounded:

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I now fill my heads with poly pellets while rooting and have not broken any needles. They also do not pull any hair out. And I have never warmed a head. Hope this works for you dear!

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I recommend trying the forked needles…42 or 43. You’ll pick up less hair per punch, and they are easy to use once you learn to hold them in the correct position. My german forked needles literally never break. I replace them because I think they MIGHT be getting dull. I’m not sure I’ve ever broken one. I used to go through 3 or so needles per head long ago when I used 38’s.


I need to try all of this great advise. :blush:

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May i ask where you purchase them from.

I think I got my last ones either at MacPhersons or Dolls by Sandie

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Bountiful baby :slight_smile:

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