We need to pray hard


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Thank you! She has moved to a village farther from Odessa and she is with her parents and siblings and niece.


I wanted to say Thank You So Much! to all my forum friends who PMā€™d me with their support to Ukraine and Ukrainian People.

I am glued to Ukrainian news almost 24/7 for 6 days. Itā€™s unbelievable what is going on there!!!
Itā€™s impossible to describe in any words the feeling of seeing tanks on the streets of the city where I grew up - Kharkiv, to see injured children and people whose legs were ripped off by rocket attack, to see people to be killed just in the moment when they left subway shelter to get water supply after 40h being there with the only limited things that they were able to bring there leaving their houses in a hurry.

Yesterday and today Kharkiv were and still are under massive rocket attacks on living quarters, the rocket attacks continued even during the time when Ukrainian and Russian meeting was going on in Belorussia. My motherā€™s neighbor told me that the house across from his house burned from the bombing yesterday! There is no military bases there! There are leaving quarters!

The little city where I spent all my summer school vacations at my grandmaā€™s was the first of the cities that were under attack at 5am on 2/24/22! And what did they shoot at? - Daycare and leaving buildings!

Now 25 km of Belorussia troops are going to the Ukrainian border to fight against Ukraine!

Putin wanted to separate Ukraine, instead of that Ukrainian people are united like they never were before!!!

They show unbelievable heroism!
They are fighting for their motherland, for their families, and they will WIN!

Glory to UKRAINE!



This must be so hard for all of our Ukraine friends. I get periodic updates but I canā€™t watch it 24/7. It hurts too much. I saw this on Facebook. I totally agree.


I was wondering how you were doing with all of this. I wanted to reach out but I wasnā€™t sure really how. Iā€™m glad you commented. Iā€™m continuing praying for Ukraine and even praying for the enemy to have a change of heart. Is there anything we can do for you?

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Just wanted to update those who had asked about my sister in law. I got the news yesterday she is on a train headed to Poland. From there she will be getting a flight here. Her Visa got approved! Shes heading ā€œhomeā€. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank God! So glad to hear :heart:

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That is great!!

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