Wanted to share my latest babies. PIC HEAVY

Hi everyone!
I lurk here a lot but rarely post. I recently lost my newborn nephew to a birth defect. (He lived 32 hours) and decided to make a doll to auction off for research for his birth defect…These are three dolls I just finished painting. They are not assembled, still need hair and eyelashes.
One of them will be auctioned off. While one is mine, and one is going to his mother as a memorial baby.
But, I couldn’t resist sharing. I hope you like them.


What precious little guys and what a great idea! Best of luck with the auction. So sorry about the little baby.


So sorry to hear about your nephew. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Sorry for your loss, your babies are beautiful.

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Thanks ladies.
Really, it was a mercy that my nephew left so soon. He was incredibly sick. He had scoliosis so bad his spine was shaped like an L. A hole in his heart, and an omphalocele. (That’s where his organs grow outside of his body in a sack.)
My heart breaks for his parents more than anything…No parent should have to suffer the loss of a child.


So incredibly hard to lose a baby. Your dolls are beautiful. You’re a good person to do that.

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They look cute, but I think they could have had a little more color (or maybe it’s just not showing up). What a nice thing to do all the way around. So sorry about the baby, I will pray for his little soul and his parents.


Sending (((HUGS)))! Your babies are cute; I’m sure the mother will appreciate hers.

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these are just pictures with my ipod, so it does wash them out a bit. Once they’re completed, I’ll share pictures with my real camera. :slight_smile:

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Oh that would be great, I’ll be waiting to see them.


I’m so sorry to hear about your baby nephew. It’s heart breaking xx

Your babies are beautiful x

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Sorry about your nephew. The babies are cute what is the sculpt of the twins? My niece was born with something similar she had gastroschisis and it was a very large hole all of her small and large intestines, female reproduction,liver, and one kidney were outside her body at birth. She was a fighter who had a rough first few years, was in Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital until she was 10 months old, at that age when she came home she weighed a little over 9lbs. She is 13 now and you would never know anything was wrong with her.


The twins are Kase asleep. They look remarkably like my nephew. I’ll be purchasing a few more when I have the $$. :smile:

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That is who I thought they were I have asleep and awake waiting to be born, I want to get the full tummy plates before I paint them.

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Sorry to hear about your recent loss…such a wonderful thing you are doing with these babies.!


Love your little boys:) So sad about the little one. That’s an awesome thing you’re doing.


I’m so sorry. You are doing a lovely thing to mark his life, though. Wishing you all the best.


I’m so sorry to hear how sick your little nephew was at birth. The loss of a child…no matter how ill…is the worst pain any parent can ever go through. My thoughts and prayers are with his parents and your family. What a wonderful gift to give his mommy and daddy a memorial baby in loving memory of his short life here on earth. God Bless you…

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