Wanted desperately!

Looking for someone who is selling time! Seems I am always out of it. Willing to purchase painting time, rooting time and especially playing with dollies time. Even need talking on forum time. I seem to be to caught up in real life stuff to get enough time for my babies. Please help!


I understand! I’m sorry. My mom says she doesn’t have enough time to do the things she likes to do. I just tell her, "Don’t worry, if it’s really important to you, you’ll find time for it."
You shouldn’t ever feel bad for taking time for yourself! My mom always feels bad for taking time to do what she wants to do, and you should never feel bad!


Hilarious,I need to buy some time too.My housework is miles behind,including laundry.I guess when I finish the fairy I am working on, I may decide to do some of it. HMMMMM or start another baby.lol

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This reminded me of the movie In Time if you have not seen it it’s a good one. It’s from about 5 years ago but I still watch it when it comes on. If you do find somewhere to buy the extra time let me know I sure could use some myself lol.

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I’m looking for it as well… that and a little extra patience. I don’t have enough of either. :confused:

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I have lots of time, but unfortunately, I’m hoarding it so I don’t run out ever!