Walmart 2 Walmart Problem

I’ve been selling a lot of my dolls this way. It’s great. No fees, no problems. Customers without PayPal are happy… So anyway, just sold another doll to someone without PayPal. She went to Walmart to send the money and just wrote me back saying that they refused to allow her to send the money because it was for a “internet purchase.”

I can’t find anything online about their rules, but so I’m not sure what is going on here. Also confused as to why anyone there would care why she is sending me money. As long as their fees are paid, I can’t imagine what difference it would make.


Tell her to go back and tell them it’s for a family member lmao. It’s none of their business what it’s for.


Are they in your business like that??? Man. Idk what happened with her, all I know is all of my other transactions went through with no problem.

This was a fantastic solution. I can not believe they are messing this up. :astonished:

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She probably just needs to go back and say she needs to send someone some money and not be specific about her purchase. Don’t know why they would care why the money was being sent, but I’ll be watching to see what happens. It would be a shame to lose this payment option.


I’m trying to ask her a few clarifying questions to see what happened exactly. If I can figure that out, maybe this can be prevented… I am totally confused. It’s not even like this was a large amount or anything that would raise eyebrows. My dolls don’t sell for that much. :joy:

I will keep you all posted. It would definitely suck to lose this as an option.

Sounds like a new employee was there in orientation with another employee. So maybe it was a case of someone too happy with their new job?

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That sounds wrong!

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Perhaps it is an excuse to not complete the purchase? Idn


Maybe. Who knows… It doesn’t matter. I have several back up buyers for this baby anyway. Just thought I’d mention it to see if anyone else had this problem.

The customer went and signed up for PayPal just to get this baby, so now I really dont know. Maybe the people at Walmart scared her? Whatever. Now she has to verify her card whatever that means and then she can pay.

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I think ours said it took a day or something so verify our card for our paypal account when we set it up


Maybe there are now people who have scammed those who used this sort of payment, and Walmart does not want to be part of scams. Contact them.

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The customer is not protected when paying through Walmart, so they might have made rules to stop scams.


My boss pays me this way sometimes after she gives me a bad check that her bank won’t cash (don’t ask lol). One of the questions they ask you is do you personally know the person you are sending money to. There are signs all over saying not to send money to people you don’t know. Now if you say you don’t know the person I don’t know if they just give you a warning about fraud or if they actually deny you the ability to send it. Maybe just reading all the signs freaked her out about sending money to someone she doesn’t know personally


@Kit… Your boss. :joy: That is hilarious!!!

Now that you mention it, my customer said something about warnings being everywhere on the paperwork. It is quite possible that she just got freaked out.

When I get to my Walmart, I think I’m going to stop past the desk and ask them what the deal is. If this truly is some new rule of theirs, maybe it just doesn’t need to apply to people who are coming back for their second baby. They kind of “know” me and are completely comfortable paying this way.

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Question is she doing Money Gram on line or is she going to Walmart I have sent money both ways and they do make you jump through hoops if done on line .

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No, @LillyBellesBabies, not online. She went to her Walmart customer service desk. I saw the front of the paper- it’s the same for either. You just check a box for which service you want.

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New one on me then I know if done on line they can be a real pain however in person they could care less lol as you say the paper is quite clear STOP if you do not know these people do not send money so yes she may have become spooked .

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I hope that is it, @LillyBellesBabies. It would really suck to lose this as an option.

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I found this on the Wal-Mart 2 Wal-Mart website, I’d bet it was an employee being too nosy and attempting to scare her. I couldn’t find anything at all saying you can’t use it for online purchases, just that it’s not a good idea.