Waiting on Kimi

Any word on her? It’s now the first part of June…seems like we’ve been waiting forever.

Honestly, she’s one asian baby that I’d like to have, but she sure has been taking FOR EVER to arrive!

I wish I knew. i love her chubby face

I feel like we’ve been waiting FOREVER for Kimi…I can hardly stand it, I want her!!! I’d love to have Gemma and Chanel, too, but KIMI first!

yup ,i’m waiting for her too…

I’m right there with you all. Every day I check multiple times to see if Kimi is up. I don’t know how many of you remember the days when Sheila Michaels dolls were on HSN and we would spend all day refreshing our screen until they showed up and then they would sell out within about 30 minutes. I feel like that now. I’m hoping that there will be enough kits to go around, though.

HSN and Sheila Michaels…YEP, I was there!!! Seems like we’re always waiting for something. Kimi is sooooo adorable; can’t wait till we can all get started on her!!! just imagine how cute all the pics will be!!!

Blaze and Hailey are available but no Kimi? Ugg! You’re killing me, BB!!

June 15th or “mid-June” and Kimi still isn’t here. It makes me sad.


Just look how long we waited on the santas.

You can get immediate notification directly from BB just by clicking the box to notify when it’s available. They will send you an email when the kit is back in stock. I’ve done it and they do send the email.