Vivienne by S.F

Now I’m wondering if the arms got stabbed and chewed up because of they throw the body in the bag with the kit, and the body they sent me had metal connectors in the joints. Perhaps it was damaged during shipping.
Ugh! I will message them today. Thanks everyone.

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You have every right in the world to be upset about a kit with that much damage. You should not be having to file out and fill in major defects on any first quality kit, especially not one that costs $125.

I have been in this situation and have had to end up selling as a boo boo baby because of this. One particularly expensive kit was so bad that it ended up as a toy for my then toddler. :roll_eyes:

Thank you for the warning. She has such a cute face. I was tempted to order her.

What? Oh no…this is completely unacceptable. That should go back free of charge.

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I spoke to them and they are sending a replacement set and sent me a return label for the defective arms. So all is well!