Vinyl drying rack

Is bountiful baby still selling their drying rack and if so what is the no on their website and has Realborn Rebekah put on the website yet

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I havent seen any racks for sale on their site and I have not heard of realborn Rebekah… They just released realborn Summer Rain. And recently realborn Kimberly…

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I think Owen is to be released next. The rack (blue and white) may have been sold out during that bug clearance sale they had a while back.

Do you know where I can find one

Target sells a bottle drying rack (it’s green) that works great.


I buy baby bottle drying racks.

Anita…the green round one from Target won’t fall over and it’s adjustable so if you have chubby legs they’ll fit.

It’s only $9


I love it!!! Is it at the store or online only? Mine has list have its arms😬

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I tried that one, Melanie, and didn’t like it. :confused:

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Wow!!! You are sooooooo hired!!! Can you be my searcher of all things good???

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Why Amy why???:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

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This is the one that I LOVE!!

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Nikki, the spindles were too close together. It was a little tricky putting the painted pieces on without messing them up.

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Ok!!! Good to know!!!:+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::grinning:

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I have a bottle drying rack and use it sometimes but what I like best is what I made out of pvc pipe and connectors. If I’m working on more than one baby I can just add more connectors and pvc pipe to it and it’s pretty sturdy, no falling over. And it cost me maybe $3 if that much.


I use this but in plastic not wood from the dollar store works fine for me and was cheap under $2.


Picture!!! :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::kiss::grinning::heart:

Here’s my DIY pvc pipe rack and I have more connectors and different lengths of pvc pipe that I cut up, so I can add more if I need to.

And here’s my Walmart baby bottle drying rack