Very dissapointed bb customer

dear bountiful baby, i have been a reg customer in the past since 2005, i went to order 2 of your bodies that are on sale at 8.95 and you tell me that its too small an order , it has to be over 40 or so dollars.

i absolutely feel like a second class citizen, and see that i could get a break for the kits that i have. only to be told not a big enough order!. when do us non americans get a break since you know that they dont sell these supplies in canada. but not to worry, i have someone that can ship them to me at a better rate i will no longer be dealing with your company.

                                                                      marlene marcotte

I’m sorry Marlene…I for one can order for anyone who is out of the country and mail from here…That is never a problem!
I do know that the minimum order has been a problem for others also.

is the new min really 40 dollars please tell me not

Hi Marlene

We have had a minimum order size of $14.95 for domestic orders, and $49.95 for international orders (not including shipping), for many many months (since sometime around the middle of last year or so). We are sorry if this is the first you have become aware of it, and regret any inconvenience this may cause. But those minimums have been in place for a very long time now.

On the plus side, though, we are currently offering 20% off USPS retail pricing for shipping. You can verify this by looking at the top of any of our pages for the “Boxed Weight” of the items in your shopping cart, and then checking retail pricing for US Global Express mail at from the USA to your location. You will see that we currently are charging 20% less than retail shipping pricing.

We are shipping below our cost, but with minimum required order sizes.

Bountiful Baby

hi thanks cindy and everyone, total bs im sorry, but i for one would never conduct busness this way that stinks and i will make sure it does get out there. sorry bb but 49 dollars plus shipping doesnt make it a sale for us international orders. i thought there was supposed to be free trade between canada and us. and also when we get hit at the border for other fees. a 8.95 body is more than a kit , and i have never complained about those fees as i expect it, but i cannot get the ideal of haveing to spend 49.00 to get a sale. please remove my name from your listing and this forum if you so please. there are many others out there that can accomindate. me thanks happy easter.

— Begin quote from “kathrynpgadomski”

is the new min really 40 dollars please tell me not

— End quote

Our minimum is still right around $15 but for international customers, I think it is close to $50! Crazy!

I am not sure why they need to charge 50 to send an order to you. To me it seems instead of making people buy more it would make them turn elsewhere. Just my opinion, that’s what it would make me feel for sure.

I’m also one of those who needs to make $50 to checkout. That’s why I shop here only once in 2 months or so, can’t afford to make it more often. Also, I think BB should consider a cheaper signed for option. I don’t need to have it all in less than a week, I’d gladly wait for a month if the shipping quotes were cheaper. And it would probably lessen my custom fees. Please reconsider this, BB…

I’ve been told that mailing items in a manilla envelope won’t be accepted it the contents are too soft…guess it doesn’t go through the conveyor belts or something, and more likely to get damaged than something stiffer like paper and cardboard. Just what I heard…

I send crocheted items in plastic ziplocs wrapped in shipping paper (it’s like brown paper bag) but as far as the shipping min for the u s I feel it’s not a problem but maybe if you contacted them they can tell you why it has to be 50 bucks for international.

BB would be unable to ship international packages through Priority if items were paid through Paypal. They are using Global Express(stated in their reply to you). I always use Express Mail International which appears to be cheaper.
I went to the United States Post Office website and the minimum size box it stated it would accept for Global Express would have to be 9.5" in length.
I would think that they are putting a minimum purchasing requirement on international orders because:

  1. either they are considering the cost of the supplies needed to ship international(USPS offers free Priority boxes that they can’t use internationally)
  2. shipping costs, even for one body, would be almost $30

Placing a minimum on an order would help cover the cost of the extra supplies and allow the buyer to save on shipping costs in the long run. Who wants to pay $38 for one doll body?
Please understand that I am not a BB representative and could be totally wrong on my assumptions. They are the only ones that can fully help you understand why they have this in place.

— Begin quote from “Lunchlady”

Case in point with a Bountiful Baby order I placed early last fall----
I ordered a monkey tshirt, 2 of the baby hats and 3 of the baby hospital bands (I only wanted 2 but had to order 3 to get to the ‘minimum price’…)
They shipped it in one of the cubed boxes!! Seriously! With LOTS and lots of paper.
Now, don’t you think it would have been cheaper to send it in an envelope? Nothing would have been broken or mashed since everything was soft plus it weighed next to nothing. I’m sure the box weighed more–thus the price of shipping profit.

— End quote

Hi Lunchlady,

The order that you are referring to was placed last November, and you were charged $3.92 for shipping. The actual cost for shipping for that package was almost $6.00. Our website calculates shipping based on a suitable box to contain all the items, not a box that is too large. Anytime a larger box is used, and there is a need for extra packing material, which raises the shipping cost, it is at our loss, not the customers.

Bountiful Baby