Vegas Winter Doll Show

Hey everyone!!
Just signed up to be a vendor at this doll show!
Anyone else coming.
I had to do it :joy::joy: with all the other shows cancelling I NEED / WANT this to look forward too
Vegas is so cheap too! Flights are cheap and hotels are cheap cause they think theyā€™ll get all your money gambling
Not this time just babies


Iā€™d like to know more about itā€¦ and information leads please

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That would be fun! My bestie lives in Vegas! Is it a big show like Rose?

Thanks Iā€™ll check it out

I hope but itā€™s only itā€™s first year
I believe Iā€™m the 33rd vendor to sign up
Iā€™m sure rose had way more
But some good names coming
If you go to the website you can see a list of the vendors
Iā€™ll be added soon :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Cool!!! Iā€™ll check it out!

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This will be the first show , but everything has to start somewhere. If nobody goes how they can learn and grow ?
You can make a trip of fun and adventure . Show , fun in the city and visit the Grand Canyon


Exactly my thoughts

Who is behind this show? ā€œMy life with Rebornsā€ appears to be a major sponsor. Is that Stephanie O?

Kat Griffen is the one putting it on. Iā€™m going just to go. Hopefully it does well and weā€™ll have one more doll show choice.

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It sounds great, and I do love Vegas! Just will depend on weather in the Rocky Mountains.

Iā€™m a Vegas local! Iā€™m so excited to attend the show. The hotels and flights are very cheap right now, as all of the casinos have been completely shut down since March due to COVID-19. Certain hotels are reopening so now is a great time to book a room! :slight_smile:

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No no no
Kat Griffith is separate from anyone
Our life with reborns covers all doll show news
She like the only paparazzi we have :joy::joy:
But no Stephanie to my knowledge as I wouldnā€™t be attending


Yes cheap everything!! Going to be an excellent time for a little getaway

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Good!!! I sure hope I can go. :blush:


Iā€™ve been going back and forth but I think Iā€™ll also be going as a vendor! Everything else in my life has been cancelledā€¦ I need something to look forward to :sweat_smile:


Thatā€™s great thinking!!!

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Thatā€™s so me!!! I can do this show for like under $1000
Iā€™m so in lol

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For anyone interested, hereā€™s the Facebook page for the show.