Varrnish or no varnish

Im new I read after all paint is applied and baked to varnish then re b ake .Lately ive read some that dont.
Why do you varnish or dont varnish

Can you still add more paint after varnishing ?
Oh and Allenes paper glaze.
Do you bake it or put on after baking?I didnt see instructions Im assuming no


I’ll be following this, because as a newbie too I’m up in the air about this also. My Kaelin sculpt has such soft “skin” but everything seems to be sticking to her without varnish.
And yes, you can add more paint after varnishing. I added painted eyebrows to my Meg and Elsie kit after failing with prisma pencil and I had used satin varnish on them to seal. Just remember to bake again :slight_smile:

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I use thick medium as a sealer for my babies…I have tried matte and satin…but don’t like them as well…and yes you can add paint after varnishing!!!

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Love hearing everyones ideas

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Yes you can add more paint after the sealer, I use a matte sealer, sometimes with a hint of paint, whichever you prefer just to enhance the babies color. Everyone does it different so do what is comfortable for you, the way I like my babies may not be the way someone else likes theirs. There is really no wrong way, just preference.

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The glaze is applied after you are done with the baking. If you have to bake for any reason you can’t touch the glaze unless you want fingerprints on the lips.

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I add a tiny bit of matte varnish to my first layer and make it very thin so it doesn’t get rough. Pounced out till almost all is off. Layer is thin enough not to get sandpapery but enough to feel a tiny bit so paint sticks better. A dab on the end of a toothpick for whole kit. After painting, I may add a wash of matte especially if doll looks shiny or if I know the kids are going to play with it (my keepers get stolen for loves). Again, a wash with tons of thinner and a small dab of matte. I apply it with a paintbrush and pounce dry with cosmetic sponges. Thin washes seem to work best for me. If still shiny somewhere, I might add a little more to that area. I personally like a little less matte to my keepers both for feel and looks. Matte varnish can blur the colors if too much is used (or I think it does!) I haven’t tried paper glaze yet, I use air dry gloss varnish or satin varnish.

Thanks for the detailed info really helps
Do you use matte last or satin last?
Small amount may mean something different to each person so very helpful to a newbie…
Charlotte is so beautiful by the way…Yes please an after photo.
Maybe i havent paid attention to my dolls when painting but i dont notice a shine. Yours doesnt look fake “shiney” more perspiring shiny…but i think mine are more matte What paint do you use?Anything different you do?

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