Vale my Halogen Oven :(

Well it has been almost 5 years old and baked over 100 dolls , so it is not so strange that it should start play up. Last week it would stop too soon, or would not heat up the the 265degrees, so I got a new one, and today the old one got decommissioned.
Just wondering how long do these ovens last for other people.

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I’m confused about your question. Air dry paint dries with regular air. You don’t bake it.


You seal air dry paint with air dry sealers. You don’t need an oven at all.
And welcome to the forum and excited Reborn World! Enjoy the process and share pictures with us!


I would create a new topic and ask your question this topic is six years old

Or use the magnifying glass and search air dry sealer - you’ll probably find a lot of great options that way faster than waiting for a response

I don’t use air dry so I am no help but I do know air dry doesn’t need an oven, that’s the beauty of it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I don’t think you need to seal it either. It is a preference to give the vinyl a bit of texture for the paint to stick to. Then when you are finished you can varnish it with something like Americana soft touch varnish.

What kind of paints if you using? Do they make a sealer?


I use genesis, so I cannot help you with an air dry, but it’s so many posts on the forum about air dry processes and paints.
You can definitely start on your baby even if you don’t have a sealer yet as experienced air dry artists let the paint to cure for a week or so after all painting is done.


You should invest in artist grade paints if you want a good and long lasting results. Again, forum search will help you with opinion on Apple Barrel acrylic, which in summary - don’t use it :wink: .


Looking forward to see your first baby! How exciting!