Oh, I so have to vent about the USPS, and my local post office!! Ugh.

The lady who had the extra Larry head mailed it out to me Priority Mail three days ago on the 4th. The tracking number showed YESTERDAY, at 3:22 pm, that it had arrived. It didn’t show as having been sorted yet so I thought I’d wait until this morning to go get it. When I arrive at my post office, there is no package notice in my box. So, I take the USPS slip that I printed out, with the tracking number on it, and ask he lady at the desk if she can go into the back and get my package. It was sent Priority and I need it today, it should be here. She tells me, “It’s not here.” It’s not here?? She says, it’s still at the sort facility. I reply, “It’s Priority Mail.” She says, “That’s no guarantee.” I said, “Two to three day Priority Mail is no guarantee?” She says, no. I asked when will my Priority package be here? She says, “Not until Monday or Tuesday.” If it takes until Tuesday that will be 7 days for a 2-3 day Priority package. If they’ve made as many staff cutbacks as I’ve heard about, then why do they keep raising the rates and giving such horrible service? Our post office is known for just mysteriously losing packages, too. I’m hoping it will show up and not go missing.

I was so looking forward to working on it today so I can finally finish this kit and get it listed. Tired of the USPS. Is there a better and more affordable alternative? Is UPS any better?


That is awful. I hope it arrives before Tuesday

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Oh.!!..very disappointing.

I’m sorry you’re having the problems I’ve been having for the past couple of years. I thought it was just me! I’m in Michigan and I mailed a doll kit to someone else in Michigan. I checked the tracking and it was in New York!! Another time, I had a package shipped to me in Allendale, instead it went to Allegan, which is about 20 miles away. I thought I’d probably get it in another I or 2 days but instead, it went all the way to the north of Michigan to the Upper Peninsula!! Unfortunately, I have enough USPS stories like this to fill an entire page. They really need to reorganize the postal system because it’s definitely unacceptable!! This is why many individuals and businesses are using other shipping services.


I would find a customer service number and CALL IT!!

That is inexcusable…people pay EXTRA for priority
over regular mail service…


It’s been some pretty bad storms & such. Mail has been delayed lately. Like it rained here like practically nonstop for 2 weeks. The sun has finally came out. My packages was not too delayed. I think they were off like a day or so.

Priority isn’t in fact guaranteed something I recently learnt. Only express is. What’s the point of even paying for priority in reality?

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I realize now that Priority Mail is just a psychological gimmick. You pay for it thinking it means what it does, but it really doesn’t…but they don’t care because they have your money and the other person has to wait longer for the package.

Our local post office is one of the most disorganized I’ve seen.

I am happy to say that, right after I left the post office this morning it was placed into my post office box. When I got home I looked at the tracking again and it had just been put into my box about the time I’d left. So, on my way back from another errand, I was able to pick it up. If that woman at the desk had put in the tracking number I gave her, she would have seen it was already in the back where it was being sorted and I could have gotten it the first time I was there. Do they even wonder why they are losing money? Customers are leaving.

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That really stinks. I hope yours arrives soon or that you can at least track where it is. That’s odd that the seller wouldn’t give you the tracking number.

So, are you waiting for the entire doll now? I hope your package shows or that you can find out what is going on.

I’ve only purchased five reborns from other artists. One of them arrived with the box falling apart, and it looked like the USPS had used it to play kick ball. It was kicked in looking and if it had come open any more the doll would have fallen out.

sounds fishy has anyone else had the same issues?

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That is fishy! When my customers ask for pictures, I send them that day!
Did you pay with a CC? I would consider a chargeback.

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That is true, Priority Mail isn’t guaranteed to arrive in the 2-3 day time frame but it is expected to be. A week is too long and I’d call your Post Master to register a complaint. Each post office is different…some are great and some…not so much. I’m sorry yours package is taking so long.


It sounds like you’ve been too nice and have waited too long to be able to get a refund. :anguished:

Sorry ladies im biased…ive been using usps for babies for years and years. Have had maybe 2 late priority packages. For the price…you cant beat it. Think about how long, how far our packages go in a week time…for how much? Think of all the cutbacks they’ve had… but we still expect same service with cheaper prices???
Try ups… they are super expensive…packages come to me open from them all the time.
Priority is not nor was ever gaurenteed 2-3 day delivery…express is.
Understaffed p.o…will be a regular thing now. People pay bills online,mail has taken a hit, causing financial losses. They have to try to make it up somewhere. Unfortunately with eliminating staff.
Ok, off my soapbox.


I agree! I love the USPS! I realize that some branches don’t have great customer service and I’m thankful we have a great branch. Once, I had a problem with an individual but speaking to the Post Master fixed that…they can’t fix a problem if they don’t know it exists.


I am kinda wondering if the issue is with the seller… She wouldn’t provide a tracking # or pictures?? Sounds a little shady. How can you be sure she is actually shipping your baby?
Now, granted we all have issues with usps from time to time. Some are worse than others.
I just worry that this seller is not being truthful. I hope I’m wrong and you do get your baby.


Of course she takes her time respond. She has her money.


You can ask @kimskids to root him!

So glad you finally received your doll! Please post pics so we can all see. We love seeing new arrivals!

Maybe! :thinking: it doesn’t hurt to ask! @kimskids where art thou?