Using a doll for a fundraiser

Hello Ladies, has anyone ever auctioned off a doll for a fundraiser? Would an auction bring in more money than just selling tickets on it? Can it be done on facebook only, like a Silent Auction?(I don’t do Ebay or other selling sites) Looking for suggestions on how to make a donation more profitable for the fundraiser (Alzheimer Society of NB Walk for Alzheimers)


I did a Princess Pug painted as a Boston Terrier for Boston rescue and they auctioned her off on Facebook and she brought over a thousand. But of course people are more generous when it’s for a good cause.


Wow!! that’s encouraging!!

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I’ve made a doll for a fund raiser but they haven’t had it yet. I’ve wondered the same thing.

Yup! I donated a doll I couldn’t sell to the rescue I volunteer for. He didn’t bring in a ton of money, around 100$ CAD, I believe. But it was enough to buy a kitty some medicine and stuff, so it was definitely worth it

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Do you have a photo? My dad lost a boston 7 years ago that was his best friend and I have thought about trying to paint one of the pugs to look like him but I can’t picture it.

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I painted my Boston about a year after he passed from congestive heart failure. He was 12.


Those are awesome. Now I need a blank pug kit I guess lol.

My brother just lost his two weeks ago at the age of 10 from the same thing. His name was Bandit!

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My doll made 360.00$ at the silent auction.


That is absolutely awesome.

THAT’S GREAT!!! :thumbsup: