Upgraded search on reborns.com

Dave has upgraded the search engine. If you type in the name and then only check item name, kit name and description it actually works. It’s a little bit labor intensive but it’s better than it picking up all those pieces of other words.



It doesn’t work properly and limits now to any of just few.
@Reborns Dave, please look at 2 of my comments here.

I just plaid and search for Addy as I know for sure Shara has that listing and sold the doll yesterdays, it brings no results

I tried ALL the filters as I know the doll is there

I also looked at lots of Jazmins 2 days ago as I am working on one - there were so many, now it’s only 3

I want the old, imperfect search back.

I also search for EVI as a kit name and got lots of Levi and others, but ironically no Evi, but I know Evi exists.
And I know for sure that it’s probably hundreds of Levi on Reborns, not just a few that were pulled.

You don’t have sold and reserved selected so you are only seeing the availability ones

Even if you select every single box it doesn’t pull Evi and doesn’t pulls all Levi(s), which should not be pulled anyway.

You don’t have any of these categories checked though

I get lots of results with sold and reserved checked. But you are right that it still includes words that contain the word you are searching. He needs to make another option to only search that exact word not words that contain that word too. It basically searches exactly the same as it did before only you can turn off the searches in artist names, nurseries, places and all that and only have it search kit name, but like before it still includes all words that contain what you are searching


And now I just scrolled through all of the hundreds of results that it gives me and I do see that no results are for Evi, it’s only for Evie. And I’m starting to remember something Dave said a long time ago about having to search for a certain number of letters so maybe that’s why??? Frustrating when things don’t work right.

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I’m sure it affects sales, too, when people can’t find what they’re looking for.


Oh ya totally. Or maybe they saw it on the front page one time and went back to search for it and couldn’t find it.