****Updated****My PIF, by Moonbay

Well I just received my beautiful gifts from Blissfulbabies and I was thrilled! Thanks again @Blissfulbabies I was really happy and heck I never win anything so that makes it even more cool…
Here is my challenge: All of us look at a lot of sculpts all over the internet and I know sometimes we see one that reminds us of someone we love, when they were a baby. So tell me of a sculpt who reminds you of someone and how it makes you feel when you see it, or a story. I’ll give you an example, but you don’t have to post pics if you don’t want to-we can look the sculpt up if you like. In a few days I’ll draw a winner! This is a tough challenge!

My example: Every time I see the sculpt “Ruby” by Sandy Faber" it reminds me of my daughter Daisy when she was a tiny baby. I don’t even know if it’s a good match, but something about that sculpt says, “Daisy!!!” Daisy is now all grown up and in the Air Force. She was my youngest child. I have this sculpt on layaway with a couple others and after I reborn her, I fully intend on dressing her up in Daisy’s old baby clothes and snuggling with her.


Wilma by karola wegerich. She reminds me of my beautiful baby sister that I love and miss so much. Somehow I lost her to growing up, we grew up and we grew apart. She was my baby growing up , she is 4 years younger than me. I love all the great memories of how we used to be before adulthood snuck in…

She really did look exactly like this as a baby girl! :heart:


Oh I love this!! I have a good one!! I’ll go get the pic!! :slight_smile:

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Okay! I have three daughters of my own. BUT, I was also blessed to be able to carry two additional babies for two beautiful families who were unable to. My second surrogate-baby, Emmy, is a precious Korean girl. Something about the Shyann sculpt makes me think of her! Of course, Emmy was born with TONS of hair!! Lol it’s funny cuz all my kids were baldies. Lol I’m not allowed to share her pic, but she looked a lot like this: :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

I’ll hafta find a kit that looks like my first surro-kiddo, Jaxxon. His mom doesn’t care if I share his pics. :slight_smile:


This is too much fun! Thank you guys for sharing your precious stories…


I technically can’t play but will still add my little story here…lol I had to leave a grandson I was very attached to when I moved to Oz to marry my hubby…I have to admit I was too heartbroken to look for a sculpt, much less reborn one at the time so instead I had a OOAK clay baby made by a lovely artist in Ireland. (Philomena Donnelly) He is life size (about 23 - 24 inches)…Every time I look at him I smile (and some times a few tears get past as well) He was the happiest baby ever - always big smiles that brightened the room… Miss all my grands so much…


Oh wow! That is gorgeous! I know what you mean though…I have some grandchildren I don’t get to see accept in pictures and it just kills me.

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Aww may she rest in peace. What an interesting story. It’s so special to learn what brought us here and these little sweet stories. :heartpulse:


What gorgeous reborn twins! That you so much for sharing :smile:

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Frida Wegerich

Depending on how she’s reborned she sometimes makes me think of my nieces. I’m not sure how it makes me feel, though, lol! I’m very distant from their mother and not close to them so I guess maybe I feel a little sad that there’s so much bad blood in my family?

Truthfully sometimes I see sculpts that remind me of my ex best friend’s little brother. However, I can’t name any of them. But whenever I see one I feel very sad because I miss her. She became someone I didn’t know. She was my only real friend, and the memories of her and me together are the only real fond childhood memories I have.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Thank you so much for sharing Becca! That kind of situation happens to the best of us. It does bring grief and great pain sometimes. But you know, love is thicker than blood :wink: Also your nieces and loved ones may come back to you one day too, just keep them in your heart. Life is so goofy and tragic arrghhh!!


Thank you for your kind words! You’re right, it sure does. I’ve always liked the saying, “Blood is thicker than water. So is peanut butter.” Hahaha!


Blood and peanut butter! Yummm!!! New idea for reeses cups…

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I forgot to say that I’ll choose the winner around September 18th…Also anyone is invited to answer the challenge, just let me know if you are entering or not(qualified)…

Not getting many entries yet. Does anyone mind if I wait till the 25th to draw a name? Hoping a couple more will enter :smile: Let me know what you think…


Good idea! :heart:

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Thanks Nikki. Maybe these guys need the weekend to get some time to think it over…I know I’ve been crazy busy myself.


Sounds good. :slight_smile:

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Ok guys! I drew @Nikkiroc from paper slips with your names on them and I would like to say that all your stories were so precious to me and I really appreciate that you shared with everybody. Reborns especially mean the world to me when they remind me of someone and it’s so touching to me to hear that they reach you like that too. Thanks a million :blush:


Aww congrats, @Nikkiroc! You’re in fire mama! :smile::smile:

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