Unprocessed mohair

Ladies, I wonder if anybody could give me an advice/info.
I would like to know what is aproximate cost of unprocessed mohair of top quality for reborning. I have no intention of getting any; I am not asking for your supplier or anything like that, but i am having in this moment dispute with an eBay seller who sent mohair that I paid absolute top $ for, and it arrived very oily, when I rinsed off the grease, the gold blond colour just came right off, and on top of that, while the locks were wet it became apparent that some are more “salt&pepper” old person grey than baby colour. I am trying to get part refund, and I would like to point out in the dispute that the cost of processed mohair is so high because of the work involved and not the actual cost of mohair. Considering that the only way I will be able to use this mohair is either to discard the grey, and there is a lot of it, or dye it dark. Either way, I am putting lot of work and some money into it, and that is just not good enough for a mohair that cost me $50 for 1/2oz. It would be helpful if I knew what pound or 2 of unprocessed mohair costs. I did look around but it is hard to tell what is a good price and what is good mohair. I would appreciate very much if anybody could help me.

Ouch, that is a lot to lose on mohair. I’m sorry you are having that kind of problem. I know when I root, it’s like I almost can feel the pinch of money everytime I lose a few hairs. And you paid top dollar for it too. Hope you get your money back.

This is the mohair I bought; if you look at the photo in the description area there on the right is the colour she calls silver grey, which is mixed with my “platinum”.


With postage I paid just few cents under $50 (australian) for it.

She never sold any as far as I can see (not surprised at $70 per oz) and the moment I started to complain she took off the other colours as well. The mohair is listed in Croatia, but the parcel came from USA? Which is really weird. The problem is she is not a reborner and just does not understand that colour washing out the moment the mohair get wet is just NOT on. She accused me of ruining the mohair by washing it. Well, it is not ruined, it is fine, just needs more work. And I am not willing to let her keep her ill gotten gain I will have to spend lot of time making it usable; the brown dye I ordered cost me $18 (with postage) and I am not even sure if it will cover the dark hair, or make it a nice baby hair colour. I asked for $20 refund.

On the bottom is my Mohtique mohair and above is the disputed one. I put the Mohtique there for comparison, as when this mohair came it was similar colour. If you look closely there is still some of the gold shade near the very dark grey. Unfortunately, the grey is worse than this, but it is so hard to photograph; when it is clearly visible in one lock, it is invisible in the next.

— Begin quote from “ta5401”

I paid $50 for 3lb of raw mohair. After processing and dying I sold it for $20/ ounce and made a profit. I would return and demand a full refund.

— End quote

Thanks for that. I asked for $20 refund, but when she turned unpleasant I opened PP dispute and explained that as the postage back would be more than the value of the item, I want full refund without sending it back. She responded saying that of-course mohair is oily LOL I feel like thanking her for supporting my claim against her so nicely. I actually feel sorry for her; if PP give me all, I might send her some $, maybe $20 would be fair; that would cover the postage and the cost of her mohair. I do not want it for nothing.

— Begin quote from “Ludmila”

On the bottom is my Mohtique mohair and above is the disputed one. I put the Mohtique there for comparison, as when this mohair came it was similar colour. If you look closely there is still some of the gold shade near the very dark grey. Unfortunately, the grey is worse than this, but it is so hard to photograph; when it is clearly visible in one lock, it is invisible in the next.

— End quote

That grey is horrid, and I can imagine the amount of work you will have to do to weed it out from ‘good’ mohair. Hope you get your refund! (if the seller doesn’t know what she’s doing, she shouldn’t be processing and selling mohair for reborning!)

Thanks Tina. This is the dye I bought:


It was the only one I could find in Australia.