Unhappy client

So, I’m hoping to get some advice. I shipped this baby a week and a half ago. He’s been home several days now. Today, I heard from the client the client that she’s not happy with him. He was a custom order, and she says he has too much pink/red in his complexion and she doesn’t like how it looks. I sent her photos of his painting to approve before I sealed him, and I sent her more
Photos once he was completed, and she loved the photos. Now she’s saying they looked different from me her monitor, but I can’t do anything about that. I’ve been making dolls for several years now, and I’ve never had a client unhappy with my painting. I’m not sure how to handle it. Any suggestions?


As you have said you can’t be held responsible for her monitor showing images different, as long as the images you took were true to life then you have done nothing wrong.
I personally wouldn’t refund her, the doll looks lovely to me, she has the option to sell her on if she wishes.
I had a similar customer, doll was more red than she expected but she was very cool about it, she sold her on a few months later and put the money towards purchasing another off me which she loved


That doll is clearly well made. You sent her photos, she approved them. The end. If she was too pink or whatever, the time to tell you that would have been before you sealed her. If I spent a nice chunk of change on a custom, best believe I’d be checking from my phone and laptop. The fact that she didn’t is not your problem.

If she’s that unhappy, she can sell her.


That’s a beautiful baby.


I agree with everyone. She’s a beautiful baby and if she’s unhappy with her she can sell her.


Your Alexis is amazing! If she doesn’t like her - she can sell her.


Thanks everyone. I did consider letting her return him, but I’m afraid he might not come back in the same condition he left in. So I’m thinking of sticking to my no returns policy.


Stick to it. the doll is beautiful. She can resell.


Definitely stick to it because if the doll has been exposed to any smoking you are hosed. No way to completely get that out. Plus you have a policy for many reasons.


Very valid point. Who knows what she did to that doll or exposed it to. Then you get it back and can’t really sell it as new. There’s also PayPal fees to consider… all because she didn’t look at photos carefully.


He is a beautiful baby. I can’t help with your question – just wanted to say how nice he is.


she can sell it as preloved baby , I am sure many would like this baby …well made and beautiful


Stick to it. I had a person who had a doll for a day and I accepted the return because it was within 24 hours. In that time she managed to scrape paint, several zip ties had been cut and the seam on one of the shoulders had been torn open. It was purchased by another artist who probably just wanted to snoop around in my work. It was highly disrespectful.

You did your due diligence, she did not do hers. If she wishes to resell that beautiful baby, then she should have no problem.


Customs… too stressful.

She chose you to make the baby, I am assuming she did her research, you sent WIP photos, you kept your promises.

I am concerned it took her several days to decide the painting was a color she didn’t totally dig.

I would not refund. The doll is what she paid for, subtlety in color because of a Monitor doesn’t seem to me like a defect, or an issue with quality or expectation.

If you do decide to refund and resell I don’t think you would have a problem.