Undecided what to do

I have a Huti baby Nono that’s already painted and rooted. She’s a limited edition. I love her face. Her hands and feet are okay, but her arms and legs are very scrawny and not very detailed. Because she’s LE would you switch them or just try to find clothes to cover them?


My first thought was if you are selling her you should keep the limbs but then I remembered I have a LE Grace Pigott head I am matching with different limbs! LOL! SO do whatever your heart tells you looks best.

Swapping them would look best but would probably decrease her value as LE to a serious collector.

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If it’s not for yourself then I would leave it alone. Choose clothes to cover the bits you are unhappy with. Since it is a LE, I would think changing it in any way would devalue it to a collector.


I switch out limbs all the time. I just make sure I let people know what they are getting.


I personally would switch them. You could make the new limbs and then give the customer the option of which set they prefer.

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I switch limbs, too, but not usually on LE kits.

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Some LE kits will sell better as babies with switched limbs because the original limbs were not proportioned as well as could be. So I for one would be fine with it. I know the kit I am switching limbs on will end up better balanced for proportion I think.

@jeanhai Found this almost fresh (lol - 1 year ago) thread about Nono.
Do you have her pictures? My I see how she turned out? Did you switch her limbs like you wanted?

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I decided not to switch the limbs because I’d have to match different vinyls and that’s my least favorite thing to do. I’ll try to post pictures tomorrow. I’m tired now and I’m working on a new computer. I haven’t figured everything out yet.