Unboxing my first silicone baby

I just made a video showing my first silicone baby from Silicone Snuggle Babies on Etsy. My hubby got her for me because we both weren’t sure how I would like the texture, I can’t deal with the feel of some textures (I hope that makes sense) and didn’t want to pour a bunch of money into something that I could detest the first time I touched it. I also introduce my Josie for the first time…finally…and my other newest addition Drew (named for the actress Drew Barrymore) who is the SOLE Jocy by Olga Auer.

Here are some photos of Faith Anne after I figured out how to carefully dress her. lol These are regular preemie clothes.

The last photo is with flash and closer to what her skin tone looks like in person.


She’s really cute ! Congratulations on your new additions!


Congrats, she’s so sweet! :hugs:
The airbrushed painting looks awesome.
What do you think of silicones now?

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Aww…thank you very much @Leabelle and @EmOh! :heartpulse::blush::heartpulse: I really appreciate it! Definitely not bad for a beginner silicone…I don’t even mind the flaws, because her cute little face and the way she feels more than makes up for them.

I now understand why people are drawn to silicone babies. It took me making reborns to understand the high cost of them and just looking at and holding this little girl…the price of them without the larger flaws that mine has (seams and pour spout mark) makes a LOT more sense. I can now understand why they go for thousands of dollars. I gotta start saving now, cause I know one day I want to at least own a newborn size.

Nothing prepared me for how real she felt…in all honesty I was expecting her to feel like a soft rubber squeaky dog toy or like a hot water bottle…boy was I WAY off on that. She feels amazing! Her weight is perfect…she feels more substantial than my heavier reborns. I guess since she’s completely solid and reborns have breathable material along with glass beads…the weight distribution is not the same as it would be if they were solid? I hope y’all can understand what I’m trying to say. I just can’t get over how she feels and moves…my hubby was worried that she might flop around like a dead baby, but she doesn’t at all. He said she was more substantial than he expected for the price…I’m just over here happy that touching and holding her doesn’t make my skin crawl. She arrived this morning, but I waited until my hubby got home from work this afternoon cause I was afraid I would recoil after touching her and let her accidentally fall off the bed and damaging her on accident. Thank goodness that didn’t happen, cause I sure was anxious about opening her…but now I can barely put her down lol :joy: :joy: :joy:


I was surprised by the feel of silicone too. I have touch Ecoflex30, Ecoflex20 and 20 with slacker. I still don’t understand why people would want a super soft blend tho. I dislike the “jiggling”. A real baby has bones and muscles.
It feels like real skin and the weight is something else, although I just have partial kits.
It feels just right in your arms. I have begun to weight my reborns head more, to try to achieve that.
I wish you a lot of fun with her !


She is precious! Good idea to get a “first baby” kind of silicone to be sure you want one.


She is so sweet! Congratulations!


Aww…Thank you very much @Leabelle, @Jacelyn5440, and @Evee! :heart::two_hearts::blush::two_hearts::heart:

I really appreciate you all supporting me in my silicone baby journey. Faith is really a good intro…I can see what it takes to take care of her because she’s definitely going to take more maintenance/upkeep than a vinyl reborn. I will have to be more careful with her than a vinyl reborn (cause With vinyl I don’t have to worry about accidentally pulling off fingers and toes while changing them).

While I’m absolutely enjoying Faith, I also don’t think I’ll every go to collecting only silicone. I still love vinyl (especially since I know how to paint it and can create what I want for myself) and I feel that with me liking to take my babies out and about, silicone babies don’t fit that part of my lifestyle. Vinyl is more sturdier, I’m not afraid of people holding them or touching them…with a silicone baby I’d be paranoid of someone accidentally damaging them by being too rough on the limbs or squeezing too hard and digging in, or not being careful inserting/removing the pacifier, so I’ll definitely always have more vinyl babies. :heart:


I Love her!! She’s adorable! I’ll check her Etsy. Ty for sharing. I’d like to get a starter silicone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Aww…Thank you very much! I’m glad you love my little Faith! :two_hearts::blush::two_hearts:

I’m glad my info and video was helpful! My hubby found out about them in a group on Facebook and decided to order me one and after I found out I looked all over to verify they were legit…cause with the way things are with scammers I was scared my hubby fell for one. They are legit, so good job Hubby! They are affordable because they are not perfect, which was fine for me…I just wanted to know what they were like.

If you get one, I hope you’ll share which one you got…even if it’s the same one I got, cause no two come out the same.


I will share! It won’t be for awhile because we have a lot of expenses with family right now. But at least I have a good source. You’re so sweet to share.


Congratulations!! She’s adorable!!


Aww…thank you very much @CindyLouWho! :two_hearts::blush::two_hearts: I really appreciate it!

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She’s got good detail for being a starter silc and a really cute face!

While she probably isn’t as practical for outings, I think you’ll have a lot of fun bathing and powdering her. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She does have really decent detail and I’m in love with her adorable and smushy face…plus I love the fact she can take a full pacifier (it’s a micro preemie pacifier that I found on Amazon, but I didn’t have to alter it, so I’m happy with that).

I haven’t bathed her yet, but I did powder her with regular baby powder (talc free powder). I did take her to our regular family Sunday lunch and they loved her…and Drew too. My Granny couldn’t get over the feel of her “skin” and how tiny she was…she prefers that size better. :revolving_hearts::sparkling_heart::revolving_hearts:

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What is her size?

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She is 13 inches long and weighs almost 3lbs (I think 2lbs 13oz).

She got new preemie pajamas on Saturday…they are a little big on her, but it works. lol


Why wouldn’t she be practical for outtings?

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I love that semi - Smile. I also love to have a silicon baby one day. I am waiting for the prices to slow down. I assume the more artists get into painting them, and so on, the prices will be more affordable. Supply and Demand. Enjoy.


I know you didn’t ask me but I can give a little feedback on this because I’ve taken vinyl and silicone on outings.

Vinyl is a worry free sort of material. If you are putting the baby in a car seat, vinyl won’t squish into the buckle and get torn. Vinyl doesn’t require nearly as much head support so getting them in and out of strollers, baby slings, etc. is far less risk of damage.

Silicone is so sensitive that moving it around and causing friction wears the paint down and will eventually make it peel. The risk of tearing us increased if you take them out and transfer them from a car seat, stroller, baby sling, etc. Plus there is the huge cost difference between the two.

Honestly, I will take my tin cure out and about. I don’t know that I would take the ecoflex out too much.