Un-rooting & Stripping a doll

@nimlet tracked down my holy grail of dolls :grinning: Lola the Chimp… and she doesn’t look so good lol. The seller says she has “Slightly rooted head hands and legs.“ My question is, has anyone ever un-rooted a doll for stripping & repainting? If so, once the doll was stripped and un-rooted were the rooting holes visible in the vinyl and could they be covered in the painting process?


Lolol I actually love this one!!! But I’ll let someone else awnser your question! :kiss:

Go @ nimlet!!! The super sleuth! :heart:


Naw…her close up pictures look ruff! She doesn’t look good at all, I’m actually wondering if some of it is drawn on with markers.

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Oh no!:scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat: I am just so happy you found her!!!

Great minds think alike… I have this one in my watch list but I couldn’t remember which of you ladies were looking for it :blush:


If you can scrape/peel off the glue the hair will come out easily. Little stubble that’s left can be removed with packing tape. Is the hair on the limbs glued? Some people have said Nair will take it off but I’d be afraid it would damage the vinyl. Any hairs that haven’t been glued should pull out fairly easily. Once you get the hair out and strip it, scrub it real good, let it dry, then bake to close the holes.


Has anyone tried nair?

I’ve read that someone had used it but they only said it took off the hair. I wouldn’t use it without putting it on a test part to see if it does anything to the vinyl.

I wouldn’t use the Nair even if it worked…I hate the way that stuff smells and I’d also be afraid of it ruining the vinyl and this monkey woman is way too hard to come by. I sent a Message to the seller asking how the hair is applied, so I’m waiting for a response.

Well I don’t know just yet whether I’ll be saving her or not, I’m still waiting on a response from the seller to see what gives with the hair.

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Rip and strip away! After all done and cleaned use matte varnish to fill the holes over that way the paint doesnt absorb into the holes leaving spots. It probably wont be noticable since its a monkey and will probably look natural anyways.

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I used nair on Saoirse! Clip/pull the hair as short as you can get it and then spread it all over the hair. Works like a charm and the smell goes away after a good wash with some sweet smelling soap. The paint and vinyl weren’t affected whatsoever. @WillowsWeeOnes was able to give her a fantastic makeover after I heated the head to close the holes partially and then Willow filled the rest of them with a layer of matte varnish! Creds to Nikki for the varnish tip and @nimlet for the nair tip. :wink:


Lol we posted the varnish tip at the same time. :smiley:

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Lol :slight_smile:

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I hope it all works out for you! How come her face is squished in? I hope that can be fixed by heating her up again. She is a really cute kit if done right, good luck on getting your dream kit and if you do end up getting her, I can’t wait to see what you do with her!

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Lololololololol she SHOULD! But, she WONT! :grimacing:


Nope! Nikki @Nikkiroc is right…not gonna’ happen. :slight_smile:


Nice try though @nimlet!!! Lololol @AmyR777 we need a name for the leg!


Yeah, I guess I should find a name. :confused:

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