I saw Alexa seconds came out today and went to order one. She was on sale too! For 24.95. Got all the way to PayPal and the system changed her price back to regular. I hate that the prices can change while you’re checking out
Oh well. Probably a sign I don’t need another kit
I always take it as a sign when that happens to me.
I don’t like that most of the realborn seconds are now $40. I know they are worth it, but I’m spoiled to the low prices. I’ll wait for sales every time.
Yeah, for that price I’d rather spend a tiny bit more to get the regular non-flawed kit. But that’s just me lol
Oh, that’s terrible! I mean, if I put something in my cart and left for a few days and went back, I could understand that the price might have changed, but NOT just from the time I put her in my cart until I checked out. I think it should stay the same that long. I am sorry.
I had Adalyn in my cart for $24.97 and then she disappeared. I’m not getting her now.
Alexa seconds are on sale again for $25
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