Twin B kit

Sorry for this silly question but I just got this kit in the mail today (Twin B.) The head seems very lopsided to me… I’ve never ordered from Macpherson’s before so maybe this is normal? Does this look right?

No she’s definitely a bit lopsided. Just stuff her head with poly fill and bake her a bit leave the poly in her head as she cools and it should be just fine. Macphersons packs too tightly I have found.

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You can put the head in boiling water and the dents will pop out. I usually turn the stove off and put a towel in the pan so the vinyl doesn’t touch the hot pan.


I just filled my last bent head with hot tap water and it fixed it.

It almost looks like your baby was sculpted that way though :thinking:


I always pour some hot tap water in as well.

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Just try the hot/boiling water----it’ll fix it.


Thank you all! I will try your advice!