Twin A?

Anyone order Bonnie Brown’s Twin A from Small Worlds Wonders? If you did, did you receive it? I prepaid and haven’t heard anything. I emailed and haven’t heard back. Thanks, Michele

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I ordered Twin A from her also but I haven’t heard a thing. I am patiently waiting!

I think she had posted a message saying that she had a sick mother, and was busy with her. I ordered another kit from her, but haven’t got it yet, either. Oooops, I think that was someone else. MY mistake.

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I just looked at her website and found this.

Twin A and B kits have arrived! Please expect invoices soon. I’ll be shipping all paid orders out as soon as I receive the COA’s from Bonnie.

Not sure when that was posted.

I saw that message also, I made a mistake in the previous message, I think it was someone else, maybe Truborn.

I think there was a post on doll-fan a couple of weeks ago with other people having the same problem. I’m pretty sure she has some personal issues going on or something. Just hope you all get your kits soon!

I did receive an email on Sept 10th that her mother had been ill. She also stated that the dolls would hopefully be received at the end of the month (Sept).

I haven’t received mines either. I emailed her a few weeks back with no responses not sure what is going on. But on the website it says she is waiting for COA’s

Are the COAs just to show authenticity for the kit or are they limited editions? Gina’s website has them as a “timeless edition.”

I would think that the COAs would be sent with the kits, not separately.

I just got this email reply


You haven’t been missed. I was waiting to receive the COA’s before invoicing. I just got them so I’ll be invoicing tonight or tomorrow morning and shipping out as they’re paid.

Thank you, so much!

On Oct 7, 2015, at 7:21 AM, Michele Spisak wrote:

I preordered twin A. I haven't received an invoice or heard anything. Did I get missed?

Michele Spisak