Trying to post bottles

So Ive tried several times to post pics of vintage baby bottlesin the for sale catagory and it keeps saying I can’t because my title includes "dirty words":joy::joy:, not sure how vintage glass bottles is bad words! Anyway if you are interested Ive put them here, :slightly_smiling_face:

6.00 small 7.50 large
Davol bottles ,-sold


Do you still have the feed rite bottles? If so I would like them.

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Its$13.50 for both you can let me know :slightly_smiling_face: my paypal is if you want send it through friends & family

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Okay, I will pay shortly. Thanks

Paid it thank you

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Thank youπŸ™‚, Ill mail out tomorrow

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sounds, good are you in need of anything? from me?

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Aww thanks for asking, Im waiting on a lady to see if im making a baby for her, if I do I may see if you have a kitπŸ™‚

Sounds good

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