Traveling pants box 1 ๐Ÿ‘–

@jlesser NEVER EVER EVER! I love you! Youโ€™re my PIC!!! :+1:t2::heart:๏ธ:grinning:


Lots of stuff to go through, but this is what I got. Iโ€™ve got the box all packed(reads 8lbs 13oz). Will take pic of receipt when I go to the PO tomorrow.


I would love to join in the fun! How can I sign up?

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Just pm me your info๐Ÿ˜€ we are about to start round 2! New lists and rules! Yay!!!


It must be hard to be the last one on the list.

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Will the box/boxes be going around during ROSE?

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I actually need a list of everyone going to Rose. That was we can work around it!

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Thatโ€™s why I was asking :slight_smile:
I was thinking when they sigh up for the next round to include their name, address and if they are going to ROSE or not, in the PM to you.

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Ha! I see you are ahead of me today! :slight_smile: lol

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No, Iโ€™m not:-( I just stole your idea and made a topic. Lolololol

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Lol! Guess you just knew what I was getting at. lol

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Cuz your the smarty pants of the traveling pants!!! :heart:๏ธ:heart:๏ธ:heart:๏ธ:heart:๏ธ:heart:๏ธ:heart:๏ธ:heart:๏ธ