Trach therapy doll

One of my patients is a 5 year old who is trached and on a ventilator and will be for some time. She is the sweetest little girl with red hair. I have reborn this baby for her out of a Walmart doll. Stripped the paint , repainted and given her red hair, gave her a cuddly body–and a tracheostomy. Looking forward to see her reaction tomorrow!!


What a wonderful idea, seriously I would never have guessed that was an off the Walmart shelf doll. You did an amazing job. Please update us after you have gifted her!


It is a Berenguer so at one point it was a high end doll before becoming a mass produced knock off. I always use this doll for the little girls I gift dolls to.


I love this!!! I can’t wait to hear about her reaction. Receiving this will be a lifetime treasured memory for her.

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That is the most awesome gift and that is a Walmart baby? She is amazing!!!

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This is beautiful and touching all at the same time. Did you bake this baby or air dry?

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Such a wonderful gift; she’ll love her baby!

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That is so sweet of you. And that is one special beautiful little baby. :blush:

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Baked. It did not take paint as well as kits do.

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Last year I made 3 dolls with cochlear implants and one with a facial port wine birthmark… I like to make special dollies for special little girls that look like them.


So cute, the little girl will love it, so thoughtful of you.


Awww, that’s so sweet!


Oh wow l she is lovely . Please keep us updated


A very special gift from the heart!


You did such a great job


That Tver you nice. I’m sure she’ll love it! Probably will even make her mother cry :blush:


If you don’t mind I would like to borrow your idea. I donate a doll once in a while to the memory home close to where I live but I would love to donate to the Child life center at our Children’s hospital. When my daughter was there the dolls they used to explain IV ports, drains, surgery etch were sad and just pitiful, they were play dolls that looked like they needed medical intervention (and not on purpose).

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This is the original concept of Reborns, at least by the time I came along. (2002) We also used play dolls, stripped and repainted, given cloth bodies.
She is beautiful and I haven’t any doubt that she will be delighted.


I did reborn Berenguers too! Funny story. I had just suddenly separated from my husband. I needed income, but refused to get a full time job. (I worked at our church’s Mother’s Day Out program twice a week.) Anyway, I took my kids to toys r us and spent money I didn’t have on a LaBaby. My daughter was 11 at the time and my boys were 4 and 6. The boys didn’t understand why I could get a toy but they couldn’t. They didn’t understand anything about this new way of life where daddy was gone and momma was broke and crying all the time. So…I’m all smiles as we get home with this doll. This part is vivid and bright in my memories…I was standing there with an exacto knife in one hand and a baby in the other. I smiled as I snapped that dolls head off and said “here we go!” Then I looked over. Those 3 kids were standing there in a row, shortest to tallest, pale as ghosts with their jaws dropped to the floor. They looked like they wanted to run but were terrified with fear. They thought their sweet, nurturing mommy had finally lost it and went psycho. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


TOO funny!!! Great story!!! I felt weird with my exacto knife cutting her body to get her arms off but didn’t have an audience.