Torso or no torso !?

Please helping me decide … I’ve ordered a Sophie Grace by Natalie Schöll , and kinda regret I didn’t order a torso … should I add it to my order !? Do you Girls like full body vinyl babies !? Please helllp!!!

I love the torsos for pictures but not as much for snuggling.


I’ve been wondering the same. I was thrilled at first that I had the option to go no torso, but now I feel like I might be missing out. Is it possible to order a torso after already ordering the kit without it?


I think it depends on if someone wants it for posing or if they want to snuggle it.
I personally like the clothing options of a full body, but tend to not really bond with them because they aren’t that cuddly.


Most of the artists I know have purchased the torso for photographic purposes, then split it in half (made front and back plates), so it can be removed for snuggling.


I do not like full torso. They are nice for photos but that’s it! I prefer belly plates that way I can remove them when I want without having to take the baby apart


Same here, for pics only, but Ive bought them and although cute, doesn’t feel as real, but are great for pics😉


You girls are not helping hahaha … :joy::see_no_evil:I like the torso for pictures too … but I am not sure if I want to damage and make 2 plates … I am not sure if her new mommy would like that …
I think I ll pass on the torso with a heavy heart lol


Why not ask her directly, she may love the options … Unless it is a surprise baby… :grinning:

Because she doesn’t have a mom yet … lol
I meant for future mom😉

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