Too many wrinkles

Nope, I don’t like then either.


Me either!!!

I was thinking of posting this same thing. If you look at the real baby pictures and or videos those babies do not have the wrinkled foreheads or eye lids. I’m not a fan. It’s too much for me.


He looks very regal! @Shera1

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Real Chase does actually have a very wrinkled forehead. :open_mouth:

James has wrinkles when he’s awake, but not so much when he’s asleep. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes, I noticed he does have wrinkles as well. But for some reason on the kit they’re more pronounced, at least in my opinion. I like most of the new ones though, I really want to get Pearl, I think she’s soooo cute :heart_eyes::heart:

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You can see the creases on Pearl’s lids just like the kit.


Haha that’s what I love about Pearl. I guess we are all different and that’s a good thing.

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He thanks you for the compliment.


She is cute with her sucked in lip.

I just went back to view the videos of James, Chase, Pearl and Kelsey. James awake sculpt has 2 however asleep 7 or 8 but the video of him does not show these wrinkles.Chase on his video has no wrinkles awake or asleep, Pearl is right on and kelsey has those eyelid wrinkles. James and Chase do not have these very deep wrinkles on the videos.


I just did a comparable with Pearl…She is too pronounced and hardly looks like the real baby. The real baby had two tiny lines and Not bulging eyes. The kit doesn’t represent her. Same with the others.

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Getting a realborn that exactly matches the baby is gonna be really hard. If you watch the video BB posted, you’ll see that it’s a long process that requires a lot of work.

Those scans are edited. A lot.

Some people like wrinkles, some like smiles, some like neutral faces. If BB only ever brought out one kind of facial expression they’d all look the same and there would be tons of people who wouldn’t be into them. I think BB is being very clever by making different kinds of reborn kits. That way there’s always a kit that appeals to someone.


Next to impossible for the doll to be exact to the baby. That video definitely opened my eyes and put in perspective how much work truly goes into making the realborn kits for us. :heart:


I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the work that goes into the kits, but if you look at the older Realborns they do not have the deep cuts, or as pronounced. There is a big change in them. It was addressed by the op and I agree.


I’m not a fan of face wrinkles, either. I just don’t think they translate well on the dolls. They’re one of those things that even the slightest variance can change the entire look/expression. Wrinkles between the eyes, especially - it gives them such a pinched, awkward look. I loooove expressive babies, but sometimes certain expressions leave me wondering why that particular expression was chosen as “the one.”


I agree, I personally love the newborn look so the wrinkles in my opinion make them more realistic.

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I love this kit, cant wait for her release

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Lol a few years ago we were all complaining that the Realborns all looked the same and didn’t have much expression! I personally LOVE Pearl, Kelsey, and James Awake. I don’t care much for the wrinkles on Chase and James Asleep, but everyone has their preferences! Ironically, I was searching through the forum trying to find out if anyone had any suggestions for ADDING wrinkles to a kit when I saw this thread lol. (I’m making an alternative that needs to be very wrinkly but none of the new wrinkled kits match what I need)