Are they ok to order from?

Isn’t Tinkerbell creations in the UK? Costly shipping? Maybe not.

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They are legit; however, they are from the UK. You’ll be paying nearly double if you order from them. For instance a kit would be £100 UK money in US that is $150 USD plus shipping.

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Thank you!!! I didn’t know, I was going to checkout and saw the price!!! No way Jose. That’s double!!!

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I remembered because someone I once was speaking with said the purcahased Twin B. She was listed as £69 which she was $69 in USD as well and the person spent well over $100 when she was finished. I can’t remember exactly how much but it was I want to say $140.

Yes!! And then shipping. 100 is 180!

I’m in the UK and I use Tinkerbell Creations a lot. Their rooting needles are the best I’ve found (for me) so far. However, I fully agree that the shipping for you in the US would be extortionate. I have a similar situation when I want to order from BB. By the time I add on the cost of shipping plus the £30 import tax from UK Customs, the price sky rockets x


I ordered a Katie Marie (28" toddler kit) from them a couple of months ago and received the kit within 3 days! (I rarely get things this fast as I live in Hawaii, so that was definitely a plus!). Their customer service is awesome and I paid $30 for shipping (which is about 1/2 of what I expected to pay).

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Does anyone know if they will do layaway on a kit?

Don’t know? Can you not find what you are looking for in the US? Perhaps someone has whatever it is and could love to sell or trade it? MacPherson’s does layaway.

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@pia HI!!! I want Will by Natalie Scholl. The only place that has him is TINKERBELLE. The people that have him… Are keeping him! Lololol I emailed them to ask about layaway:-)

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Did you ask on any other forums? Sometimes you just might get lucky? How about on the FaceBook pages?


You what what!!! I just did!!! Thank you Pia❤️❤️❤️

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Nikki, did you get my PM? :slight_smile:

Oh!! I’ll look now!

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