Tina Kewy comes back as Lucy Aolani

Maybe but wouldnt they have to use the aging app on multiple photos?
I was never on her friends list so not sure what all she had posted.


She only has a few pics of “herself” on her profile. I was on her friend list. She didn’t share many personal pics that I can think of. She just always had drama. The most ironic was the crap about her husband’s identity being stolen. How do you steal a fake identity? :rofl:


What a sad, crazy creature, how can she keep tract of her web of Information?


I saw that! I was really questioning that whole story! And then the daughter giving them her tooth fairy money and then they were headed to court etc…
I just can’t believe it!


Oh this is the kit you were asking questions about in the group! Geez!

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Maybe his last name is Aolani and maybe she picked the name Lucy for herself after one of her popular baby kits she made? I do question the whole identity theft of him though. Lots of things were popping up like that during the time when I knew others were getting upset about not getting their orders filled for months on end and some wanting refunds. So I guess it was all an attempt to garner sympathy because I believe she had spent most the deposits she had been paid. When she agreed to send my refund she told me it would be at the end of the week when she got paid. She did deliver on her promise and refunded me. I am not angry since I got refunded but I am utterly flabbergasted and hurt to have been lied to by her.


I thought she left her husband?


It was not good what she did but i know people can lost on track when you go true
a difficult time
No excuse but some do things to survive at that moment
Live can be hard and can let you make do thing you afterwards regret
So i wil never jugde some one on this ,it is not good but have this seen before

She left the first one. Then she got knocked up by another man and he turned out to be not who she thought he was. Then she got a new man and I guess that’s the current one. Who knows if anything is true though. I thought the first marriage left her with two 7 year olds in 2013. But now she says he daughter in law died so she is raising her grandkids. Maybe the daughter in law was her current husband’s son’s wife? The math doesn’t add up for it to be her son’s wife. She’s a pathological liar. Who knows what the truth is. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Right, that’s why I’m confused, in the screenshot she says “WE didn’t have a car repossessed in 2004” but wasn’t she with the husband she left in 2004, not the current husband she talks about above?


Well on a side note, I finished painting the boo boo baby I got from her today.


This is just wild…


I’m not sure how to do this, but I will try to post a web capture. I just got an email from Truborns saying that they were deceived and will not deal with her.


Yes, Bobbi has a FB page where she is auctioning off stuff to raise the money to pay off the money she is out.


Clearly she could not. :sweat_smile: I just wandered over here after seeing the email from truborns to see what was even going on. This is crazy…


I have known a couple of people who are like this. She seems to be a pathological liar with possible mental disorder/s, and I hope she seeks help.
To outright lie about who she was, and then do the exact same things she was doing as Tina, it just blows my mind.


I have buy a booboo silicone head from her, before her true identity came out. I have received it today and realized that it was her.

Very nice head, booboo are minor, transaction was smooth, she was supposed to add a set of hands but didn’t, she say that she forgot and will send them in a couple of days. That’s not an issue for me as it was a bonus (I didn’t pay for them).

Now, I will paint this beautiful sculpt, sell it as a cuddle baby and that’s it. What else can I do. I will not buy from her again, but what is done is done.
If I didn’t know all that controversy, I would have been very pleased with the transaction.
I feel very sorry for all the people who have been scammed by her and lost money. I guess I was lucky ? :confused:


I agree with that, and this is so sad to me as I think she is talented sculptor.
I see that she still getting lots of support on her FB page.


on another forum someone questioned , if she really was in an abusive marriage and very poor do you fall right away in another man’s arm and you create a baby , still in bad position and you go with the next man and you have one more baby ? It can be true , but many question as when you are down and poor and no money to feed the existing kid you don’t give birth to more . Makes me wonder. Also the name chance can be a safety issue , but if she starts sculpting ex. husband can recognize her work anyways . Why she didn’t mention to the suppliers who made contract with her that who is she ?? When suppliers send out $$$$ don’t check who is on the other side ? ID and zoom call etc. ???
Despite all the drama , I hope she is mentally stable and she can find a good way to make money and raise the kids. My opinion would be for her to just find a remote job and work and sculpt as a hobby not for living ( which would be sad as her work is beautiful )


Yes, I hear you. You should sell the baby if you don’t want to keep it. I have my mini baby up for sale. A part of me would like to keep it but I have spent so much on silicone baby blanks lately I need the sale.