Time to change

Since Christmas is over and I had some time yesterday I changed all the Christmas babies out of their attire and into warm jammies for a long winter’s nap! These are not all my dolls/babies but they are the ones I had changed for Christmas. I have lots of Middletons, Masterpiece, and another Bonnie Chyle doll as well.


Notice the Dumbo elephant my daughter gave me for Christmas for my crib! I love it!

Since Elijah already was dressed for winter and not so much holiday I just left his jammies he had on him. Ofelia will wear her burgundy outfit for a while longer.

Brooke is happy to be in her warm knits and jammies!

Harvey Fitz wanted his paci to help him settle down.

The high chair kids are still hungry even after all the holiday food!


That’s a big job, changing all the babies! I especially love Harvey; such a chub he is! I didn’t change any of mine, but I did manage to rearrange and dust them all and packed away some of the others. Someday I’ll have a doll room. I hope!

My dolls are in my corner of the bonus room around my painting table and computer desk. I dream of having my own doll room some day too!

I love your display. I still am working on my doll room. I need more storage for my doll making accessories so that I can free up more room for display. Have a wonderful New Years. :bell:

Great display! I love seeing your babies. I need to change a few of mine after I rescue them from the pile of stuff that got shoved in the bassinet over the last few weeks. Wish I could set up more but the cats would take over!

oh so very comfortable looking! wonderful babies