Tibby, my boo boo baby

Have you ever had so much go wrong with a doll that you are just like, ‘Whatever, on to the next.’ That’s this one for me. Despite all of the mistakes, my 14 year old is in love. :blush:



Aww, he’s so cute. Doesn’t look like a boo boo baby to me! Glad your 14 year old loves him.

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I didn’t know Tibby made such a cute boy! Super cute!

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@taylorsgirl did a really cute Tibby boy that I thought looked better than most girls I’ve seen, so after seeing that, she had to be a boy. :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: Thank you!! This is my boy Tibby

Yours is very sweet! Good job!


He’s cute!!

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Taylor i think you stole my cat.


I think I actually like Tibby better as a boy than a girl. He’s cute.


I’m sure I do. It’s the highway of a forehead!! Lol Other than that, this is a cute kit with really amazing limbs.

What a precious kitty you have! :slight_smile: here’s a better picture of the kitty who was hiding behind Tibby. My sweet Lafayette. He’s 21 pounds of fluffy furry fat cat. :slight_smile:

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Wow only the face likei mine. nothing else. I had a persian for many years Flamepoint
This guy is a rescue .Rescued him from my Mastiffs mouth Lol.He was a feral cats kitten so didnt pick him. My dog did!!

Lafayette was a rescue. I found him as a tiny kitten, covered in fleas Took weeks of bottle feeding and flea treatments to get him fixed up. I had no idea when I found him that he would be such a big fluffy boy when he grew up This is him after a few weeks with me. :slight_smile:


Awe he was a doll baby even then furry!Bet hes an excellent mouser.My last cat was a rescue too at about 6 weeks.Vet thought he was part Maine Coon as he was the best mouser ever.
! Boo this one … was 3 weeks old Hadnt even been weaned.For a week he drank goats milk sucked off my hand before he learned to eat.I wasnt looking for another cat after mine got old and died but i guess God and my Mastiff Sophie had other plans!
Sometimes you dont go looking …your life path finds you

LOVE that name he has .

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Who would have guessed all of that cat was hidden behind Tibby? What a big boy! :smile:

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