Tibby found a home 😄

Finally my Tibby found a home.
She was so much fun to pack
I made her a special box


Congrats! Love the way you did the box!


I like it as well I would Heart it however the thing wont work LOL like a lot of stuff on site here lately wont work .
PS. Now heart works go figure lol

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Congratulations! Love the box. :heart_eyes:

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Congratulations! I love your box!!! The new mommy will be so happy. :smile:

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Congratulations on your sale! The box is wonderful!

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That is super cute, very creative!

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Thank you. It took a long time but finally she found a home.

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Wow. I love that. Great way to ship a toddler.

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:grin:I know it is getting frustrating.


Thank you @gilberho @AmyR777 @DollyPardon
:blush: I did it like the Barbie carrier I had when I was little. I lost a glue gun, Used a lot of hot glue. Then a lot of Elmer glue and wrapping paper. I love the box but would never make a Tibby or a box like that again :sweat:

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I love it!!! Please post how much a box like that costs to ship!!!


Awesome !!! Do you have a pic of her pre packaging ? I had a boo boo on my Tibby so my new head arrived today.

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Wow that is seriously awesome

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It weight around 14lbs and I only paid $37.30 to Florida

She is one of my early work.


Very cute, I hate I messed up the head on mine. Hoping I can get the skin tone the same this time. I have the sitting limbs.

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Did you use an amature ? I have a Taylor too and she is standing.

Yes I made one with hangers