Thoughts on Lily and Irys

Hi artists,
What do you think of Lily and Irys?

Their pre-order opens soon and I’m torn on if I should get them. I have so many kits but I also love Joanna’s sculpting! If I only get one it would be Lily.

Do you think they’ll be big sellers? Some of Joanna’s kits are super popular but others don’t seem to be, even if they’re cute. There are currently 12 Pascales for sale on reborns, and I have a blank of him I still need to make.


I think they’re both sweet but I like the awake one better. Different sculpts appeal to different buyers. There are 12 Pascales that are for sale on reborns now, but there are 200 that have sold. He’s really popular. Get painting girl.


I don’t like the limbs. Looks like one has Eric’s limbs and they were the pits

Are those two as big as Eric?

Idk…says they are 20” and I think he was also 20”. Idk if they are the same limbs on the awake baby or not…I see one has an open hand which is different from Eric’s. But after that kit I just wasn’t as happy with her sculpting.

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Erica is 21". I’ll see those new babies at Joanna’s booth at DOTWE and will tell you :wink:


haha thank you! You are right! I love Pascale, been saving him until I got better at painting, maybe it’s finally time and this is a sign :grin:

I love the awake one too, she has cute cheeks. In some of the prototype photos her eyes look smaller than I’d like. My favorite version is the one by Jacqueline Kramer.

Please do and report back!

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I love them, especially the awake one. :heart_eyes:


I like the sleeping version (Irys) and will get that one, she comes with open hands and the awake kit comes with closed hands. I don’t personally like Lily, her eyes are a little far apart for me, kind of like Charlie’s. But I do think Irys will be popular with a slight Lou Lou resemblance and open hands.


I plan to order the sleeping one!


I love both of them so much! But that’s a whole lotta dolly dollars :dollar::laughing: