Those reborning moments

Anyone else get really anxious and nervous when you’re doing something you aren’t confident in and it comes time to bake? Like that point where if you bake this and it screws it up, you’re going to have to strip the whole kit and start over? I just put my first layer of hair down and I’m terrified.


To the point i set it aside and start something new lol, explains why I have so many babies sooooo close to completion. I have about ten just waiting on eyebrows. I HATE eyebrows…. And nails. Nails suck. But I got the hang of it after doing the nails on 24 babies in a row :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ship them to me :rofl: I will have an eyebrow party!!!


Nails aren’t my favorite either. Eyebrows are hard too.

Well, you’re lucky you don’t use airdry… You still have time to correct before it dries!

For which I am eternally grateful. Today’s bane of existence…eyebrows. so close to being done with this baby though. I love him so much. I just wish I were better at hair and eyebrows. And creases…

Do them with prisma pencils

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I’ve considered trying pencils but haven’t decided yet.