This is such a bad addiction!

The grand daughters are getting reborns this year for Christmas. They love “not” playing with my babies. They end up having to sit on the couch to hold and admire them. They are young for them but my daughter in law will be great with helping them treat them really well. (Like a collection) I have just picked out sale babies for the 3 of them. The oldest who is almost 6 and really into reborns…you tube and everything… is getting Thomas awake…as a girl probably. The younger two are sisters and are getting Kadence and Kaeline as twins.
I don’t mean to ramble…like I said, it is an addiction and now I am all hyped !


They will LOVE their babies! :blush:


Great choices!! Make sure to post pics when they’re finished.

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Awww! I am making my daughter (7) Miles for Christmas. (I got a seconds kit). I am not opposed to reborns for kids, especially cheaper ones


I’ve given my granddaughters babies and they love them. Doesn’t hurt they think I’m the greatest because I gave them their Dolls. My step granddaughter is getting her second one for Christmas.

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Aww make sure to post when they are done. I think most kids do great with reborns. My daughter who is 9 has 2 now and they are treated great. She loves to shop the clearance section for them. I actually prefer to give her a reborn than a doll from the store because with a reborn I can go to a consignment shop and get it clothes for a few bucks where with the store dolls it’s 20 bucks for one crappy made outfit. Both of the dolls she has are BB clearance dolls. She takes such good care of them that I bit the bullet and bought her a fairy kit that was pretty expensive to surprise her for this Christmas. I didn’t like the fairy that BB has and I really wanted to do the fairy for her.

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I’m sure they’re gonna love them!
I think it’s good for kids to learn that some things, like a collectors doll, should be treated carefully.

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I understand the addiction ! I plan to make four fairies for my four nices for Christmas. They are 4, 6, 8 and 11 years old. Little girls often take good care of their precious doll, so I am not worry.
Oh I so would loved to have one of these reallistic dolls when I was young !
(Excuse my english, not sure about verbs…)

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I would have loved it too. Your English is fine.

Thank’s ! I think read a lot of english forum help !

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My daughter made the comment to me last night that she thinks I’m addicted to buying the kits more than painting them. I must say at this point she is right. Not for long gotta budget.:disappointed_relieved: