Thinking of switching, need advice

I’ve been using GHSP since I started reborning, but lately I’ve been considering switching to air dry. I’m going to be moving into an apartment in PA at the last week of September to go to school, I’m not sure how much space I’ll have so I’m not sure if I want to bring my nuwave. I wouldn’t have the option to bake outside (I don’t currently either, my oven is in my room next to the window but I know I need to change things up before I get health effects, I just don’t have any place to bake outside.) so I wouldn’t want to move into a new place with roommates and be running my fumey oven all the time. I have to admit, the thought of learning a whole new method of painting when I’ve just started to feel like I’m making good looking babies is nerve racking. I was thinking of trying RebornFX or Ultimate Fusion. I use the primary method for my babies currently and would want to keep doing that for air dry. I’m currently too nervous to take the leap and buy air dry paints yet because I know there’s a pretty steep learning curve. Does anyone work with either of these brands or do the primary method with air dry that could give me some pointers?


I use rebornfx. I don’t do primary though. I love these paints. You should see if @anjsmiles has any tips!

I used Ultimate Fusion for primary color method and they are really easy to use, just add water and anti-bead. Those who switch from Genesis seem to like them a lot. I find that they fade a lot, especially the red.

I only use RebornFX for certain things like blush, nails, creases. They are great paint, maybe a bit harder because you will have to learn how to use mediums, but they worth it. Same for any artist grade acrylic. It’s a learning curve.

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Ultimate fusion is supposedly easier to switch to from genesis than other paints. I switched from another air dry paint and it definitely is easier.
If you get a starter kit with access to the Facebook group you’ll find several tutorials for people who switched from genesis.
I personally like how I don’t need mediums for it. I can just add water and go.

I started using air dry paints and really did not have problems, but there were certain details and textures that I could never seem to quite get. So I started using Genesis. Now, I decide which I want to use depending on the kit and what I want to achieve. I do think that Ultimate Fusion is probably the most similar to Genesis. That said, I find air dry way easier and more predictable. In addition to the issues I encountered with the bad batches of Genesis paint that will not cure, I also frequently get kits that the paint goes on nice, looks good, but seems to disappear after I bake. I have one now that has like 25 layers of paint and you can barely tell. I wish I had painted her with air dry.

I primarily use GHSP but have tried multiple times to switch and have miracle blend, Golden fluids and Ultimate fusion. I would definitely try something out before ditching your oven. I have found that Ultimate Fusion and Golden are literally identical for me. They are very easy to use for everything except mottling. I cannot for the life of me get any air dry mottling that even comes close to my mottling with GHSP, unless I use a berry blender stick and literally do each mottle dot individually. Which is just crazy frustrating and insanely time consuming. I have seen so many beautifully painted and mottled air dry babies, I unfortunately cannot achieve the same results I can with GHSP. There is definitely a learning curve but if you can get a cheap sample pack of colors you should be able to see fairly quickly if the switch is going to be something you’ll be happy with or not.

Are you using regular makeup wedges for the mottling? I’ve found that with air dry, a denser sponge like a beauty blender works much better.

I have tried everything! Wedges, beauty blenders (which I love for GHSP), Regular kitchen sponges, those equinine(?) sponges. I don’t know what my problem is!

What happens when you use them?

I just get a splotchy area of paint, no distinctive mottle pattern. I thought it was an issue with my mediums ratio or thickness and making it thicker does give me “better” results, just not good results :wink:

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I was never able to get mottle with air dry. One of my favorite steps and why I love heat set. That being said I would never run an oven inside.

That’s odd. I’ve been able to mottle with air dry just fine.
I use knockoff beauty blenders that are cut in half for a flat surface and plucked with tweezers. I take a brush and paint the sponge, then I press it onto a paper towel first so it’s less strong and then pounce it on the vinyl.

What paints are you using? What mediums do you add to your mottling paints?

I recently made the switch. I started out trying RebornFX, but I sold those. Now I’m using a Golden. It’s a learning curve, for sure.

I have used miracle blend and now use ultimate fusion. I only add water when mottling. No mediums.

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