The Perfect Alpaca

Can anyone give my some names, websites, contacts for sellers of reputable excellent quality alpaca hair? I use Delta Dawn mohair exclusively, but I would love to try alpaca. I am looking for prototype quality alpaca hair sources. I appreciate your input in advance!!

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I’ve used alpaca from Suri Hill. It’s super fine and soft and I didn’t have any breakage issues that some people report with alpaca. Don’t know how it compares to others, as it’s the only alpaca I’ve used, but I loved it. Here’s a link


I think the SuriHill is the best and best priced. Actually, i suspect that some reborn supplies buy it from them.

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I have some alpaca here it’s dark brown- it breaks so easy it’s very fragile
I bought it off of dream fiber on Etsy.
You can have it if you’d like!
I would just charge the price for shipping so I can print a label off of PayPal probably $3
I can send you a picture if you want
I wouldn’t use it again— breaks too easily.
I don’t know if all alpaca is like this or if it is just this particular batch or anything. Only ordered it once.

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Aww thank you for offering! I just ordered from suri hill literally like 4 minutes ago lol!! I hate yours is breaking :frowning: That stinks!

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You’re welcome! It’s good that you will get it from a reputable seller too- I like that alpaca is very straight.
Can’t wait to see your creation later on once you use it! Perhaps I’ll look into alpaca again as well in the future

It should not be breaking, mine has never done that and I rooted whole lot of heads with Alpaca. Actually, Alpaca supposed to be stronger than mohair of the same fiber width.


@ludmila I would love to see a pic or two of your lovely alpaca rooted babies!

I have just receive one I have ordered from MacPherson, it seem great. Anybody have use it ?

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I saw they had some :slight_smile: What color did you order?

It’s dark blond. It’s beautiful and soft, but I have not try it yet.

I rooted Saskia with my Suri Hill alpaca in black.


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Which do you like better? Mohair or Alpaca?

The alpaca is the softest hair I’ve ever felt, and you can’t beat it for straight hair. But I prefer the mohair for its ease of rooting (more bang for the buck so to speak lol). The alpaca is just so thin and fine that it takes a lot of rooting to get a little patch of hair. But on the plus side, I had very little waste, and I’ll probably use it again for a newborn or preemie with sparse hair. It looks great but mohair is just easier for me.

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what type of needle did you use on yours?

I can’t remember if I used the 42g single barb or the 46g crown. I remember having a hard time getting only 1 or 2 hairs per hole because it was so fine.

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I will try to find some; it has been a while :slight_smile:

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i could only find these:
Luka from 2010


and Meg bit later

I am rooting (read I have half rooted sitting on my sideboard) my Mathis; this is how he will look when the Alpaca is actually rooted. This is my favorite Alpaca blond, I think it is the mid-blond (?)