The painting slump

It was fun, sometimes I forget that I used to just ‘have fun’ with paint :joy:
Lately I’ve been obsessed with lemons and the color yellow, so I painted a lemon.


I will let you know, just waiting for this leg to heal a bit more. I wish I would have gone to the aquarium in TN. The zoo was one of my most favorite zoos, my son and I were blown away.

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I love your lemon…for some reason this spring i have been loving the lemons too…just bright, clean and cheery!!!

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That is beautiful! Last year I got on a lemon kick! I bought table clothes, cream and sugar bowls and decorative bowls all in lemons. I also got some big fake lemons that I put out in a big bowl on the table. I went to look for them the other day because to me they are summery and I cannot find my fake lemons! I do not know what I did with them and I have looked every place!

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I do hope your legs is well soon so you can paint and do fun things! I love seeing your clown babies!

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Oh this has happened to me. My knee surgeries and my husbands chemo/stem cell transplant got me off track. I wish someone would creat a swap so I would have a time line.


I agree, time lines are helpful for me as well. Most of the time, the time it takes me to complete a doll rivals the amount of time an average pregnancy takes. Although I did once paint and root a doll within the space of a week and a half or so. I know it can be done, I just need the proper motivation.

At the moment, I need to collect the rest of my belongings though. Then I can have access to everything in one place and all I’ll need at that point is to set up a painting area on the patio here. Oh- and enough time away from work to get some painting done of course. :laughing:


Very Well Said-----this is ME!!!


That’s a BEAUTIFUL Lemon!! Great Job Lady!!

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