THANK YOU! for all you did

Maybe this is more appropriate before New Years but i was just feeling so thankful for all my BB forum friends and all the momemtous amount of information they shared with me all year so very generously giving away their secets that have made them successful artists which they could have kept to thenselves and their time to answer my numerous questions and always in hours too .
What a great group i lucked into.
Im just so greatful with your help i have become better and at christmas i made enough money on my dolls to get my grand daughters wisdom teeth pulled which has been worrying me since last May All my bugeting to pay for her braces 3 years ago for 2 years would have gone to waste.I.
can not tell you what it means to have it over and taken care of .A huge weight off my mind

.Sorry to get so personal but if it wasnt for your help i really dont know where id be in this doll creating process far far back im sure .Antwsy Happy Holidays to every one of you .
And i as long as im thanking all who helped dont want to forget BB company for ALWAYS getting my kits and supplies to me in 3 days.EVERY time and not 1 mistake in over a year is really amazing !


Congrats! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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That’s so great, @Rirish Roxanne!

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

That’s wonderful! Merry Christmas to you, too!


Merry Christmas to you too!

Merry Christmas! Love this forum and thank BB for starting it!

Hope you and your family have a marvelous Christmas.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and me too!!