Test Heads!

Well BB has test heads available now for people who were looking for them. I ordered a few to practice hair painting and prisma pencil. I just hope they aren’t animal heads. (They said you could get either). :worried:


animals can use hair too :smile:


I just checked they are already gone haha.

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Wow, that was fast!

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Me too. Phooey

I have gotten a head 8 times and all were babies.


Seems like I missed out on them. Wondering how often these heads are available? I could really use one.

I got a couple 1-28-16 and a couple 2-13-16 and then there were some today (2-19-16)

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I always have a test head around from some doll I totally messed up, LOL. I’ve never had to buy one separately.


Aahhh. I missed them too. Again.


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I got my test heads today. That was fast and they are all baby heads and not animals. Yeah! I wish they had put the heads in a plastic bag though. The heads picked up the black ink from the printing on the inside of the box. I know they are test heads, but I have to spend time getting the ink off.

Mine have all been in a bag just like the kits…

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More open eye heads are on BB

Grabbed 3 today I hope they aren’t animals!!


All the heads I got last week were babies.