Teeswater for hair

I’ve been curious about this myself. If any of you are interested, I’d be down to try my hand at processing and sell it on my site :blush:

(Edited to add: I process & sell mohair, suri alpaca, and pygora. I find it really fun to try new fibers! I even have some long haired guinea pig lying around…:joy:)


I would try it.I love to try new stuff.Rooting is not and never has been my strong suit but quality hair makes a huge difference.


I love to try new stuff as well! I’ll talk with some of my mohair suppliers about where to get quality raw teeswater and post on the forum when I have some ready. Fun!


I got my golden fleece today and it looks awesome.


Oh good! So glad you like it :blush: I’m looking forward to seeing the baby you make with it!

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That is awesome Danceswithdolls.
Do you use it on Caucasian babies or just AA.
I was worried about using it as no one else was. But although a bit corser than mohair I think it styles so well… and like you say it roots brilliantly. And bonus is it is that much cheaper!

Oh and did you know that wensleydale also comes in natural brown/black! I haven’t tried wensleydale yet but from my research wensleydale and teeswater are from the same gene pool. :slight_smile:

This is as far as I have got today.


I have not heard of that before what is teeswater?

Teeswater is a breed of sheep. :slight_smile:

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Locks of this wool is often used for tailspinning, weaving or felting. Lot of wonderful colors are avalaible, but I don’t find a lot of blond, brown or black.

What color is this? So cute

It’s actually sold as medium brown but looks more blonde to me. :slight_smile:

It’s just the color I’m looking for, I might have to take the plunge and try it!