Technique test belly and back plates now

Yep I just saw them they are on sale now!

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That is cool! I wish everything would come together at the same time (such as Seconds Joseph 3 Months, the body plate for him, the new bodies to try, and now bigger test parts). I have already ordered twice this week. I don’t want to spend anymore on shipping for this month, so I will pass on the plates for now. I may get one later on. I actually have a full front male plate I got when I first ordered a technique part. They were not listed then, though. I have received limbs the other times I have ordered them.


You are going to have so much fun when those presents oops I meant packages :laughing: start showing up!


Oh, YES! I got big Joe today. He truly is HUGE. I knew he was huge, but just something about trying to wrap your hand around his thighs and upper arms and they will not fit around them! I had a big baby – my last one was almost 10 pounds. He was wearing a 3T by his first birthday. I don’t remember if he was this size by 3 months, though. Hard to remember after almost 38 years. :slight_smile: I just know he was big and heavy. And, he wanted Mama most of the time. So, I held him and cooked and did whatever else I had to do. LOL. Then, tomorrow I am supposed to get the body for Big Joe. Poor boy. We call him Big Joe. He is not so big now, though. Just slimmed on up and is a cutie pie of a boy. :slight_smile: OK… I guess that is enough of my excitement about Joseph.


I haven’t done him yet, I am thoroughly enjoying seeing everyone’s, I look forward to seeing your big joe :wink::grin:

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Me, too. I am hoping I can do the kit some kind of justice, because he is truly a cute kid.


Oh that is such a cute story- you are going to love Big Joe. I’ve made two and they are so sweet. Those legs are the best! Who can resist a chubby healthy baby. You’re going to fall in love! Can’t wait to see yours

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