I have a question, it may be a dumb question lol. I have recently painted the sweet pea awake kit by LLE.
It has bountiful baby on the neck does that mean it’s not a LLE kit? Someone enquired about him but when I said it had bountiful baby on the neck she said it was a LLE kit.
I thought it was still sculpted by LLE but produced into vinyl by BB? am I wrong? Should I have it listed as a BB kit?
Before they updated the site you could click the “more info” button and it would open up to more photos and said who the sculptor was. BUT when they updated it broke the links and they have to go back through each individual kit and redo that page.
Last I heard they were still working on them, but it is slow going.
Am I right then? that it would still be classed as a LLE kit? The lady that enquired cancelled the sale as she said it wasn’t an original kit as it doesn’t have LLE on the neck. I’ve added pics of neck hopefully you can see it xx
I’m sorry, I don’t know enough about kits to tell you for certain. My thought is that since it was sculpted by LLE, it should still be considered one of her kits. I’m not sure whether the fact that it was one of her earlier works poured through bountiful baby affects it’s monetary value though. @jlesser is our resident kit expert so she could probably tell you better than I.
But yes… The kit is legit. If the customer wants one with LLE stamped on it instead, (if they even exist) that’s her prerogative. I just hope she doesn’t think you tried to scam her.
Some people dont buy Bountiful Baby kits. She may be one of those people.
So to someone like that it wouldnt matter who actually sculpted it.
BB has kits from many sculptors: LLE, Donna Rubert, Marissa may, Michelle Fagan, Pat Moulton, Denise Pratt, Aliena Peterson, Wendy Dickison, Cindy Musgrove, Tasha Edenholm, Jessica Schenk,etc
I can’t imagine being that particular about it, personally. I know that some people have more money than sense though. Yes, bountiful baby sells less expensive kits but their vinyl (except for some of the 2020 pours) is amazing to work with and in no way a reflection of the price paid.
I think she thought it was a fake kit and not sculpted by LLE as it doesn’t have her initials on it. Yes I know they have done many kits for other artists. Thank you so much for your help xx
I honestly didn’t notice it was a BB kit until she asked if it had LLE on the neck. She said she only collected her kits now. I was jyst worried I had made a mistake regarding who had sculpted the kit xx
Laura Lee Eagles sculpted Sweet Pea, and BB produced it for her. LLE now produces her own kits. It is no less an LLE sculpt just because BB product it instead of LLE doing it herself. It shouldn’t matter as LLE is the sculptor. LLE’s kits and BB’s kits are pretty much made in the same factory. LLE was a newer sculptor when BB produced the kit for her.