Strings or Cable ties?

Which is better in your opinion? The bodies that come with strings or cable ties?
I have no idea which to order!! My first time making a reborn etc…

Here’s a great topic on that:

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Here’s a bunch more:


Thanks!! I’ll take a look at those!!

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I use dental floss for my micro preemies (11 inches or less because I don’t like the lump from the head of the cable ties. For larger babies I use cable ties. I make my own bodies and make a big enough casing to tuck the head of the cable inside.


I have had trouble with limbs coming off on the string tied bodies. I now replace all the strings with cable ties.


I bought the string bodies and the bundles of cable ties and replace the strings. But the ones I have made/am making are for my kids and I wanted reinforced limbs I also made sure to get plugs also.

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while on the subject being new… the ties are so easy and nice and tight. but what Do you do with that tie lump?.
plus cutting it leaves sharp edges i had to sand so they wouldnt hurt whoever handled them.
Also im not sure i had the bodys on right because the ties were in front …but the arms didnt look right the other way .too far back.

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I watched a video of a lady doing the cable ties on a doll and it looked
like it turned out nicely. It’s Still Moments Nursery-- and they have some tutorials etc…
You might want to check them out??

Well, the string ties are less expensive so I usually buy those and then put in my own cable ties. I prefer cable ties because they are more sturdy and someone complained to me about having a babies limbs fall out because of the strings…Haha oops

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um I bought the cuticle nippers from BB and it didn’t leave anything sharp… but I couldn’t get the head part of the cable tie into the fabric, so I need to remedy that a little.

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I buy the string body, re thread with zip ties. It is easy and I save a few doll hairs that way :smiley:


Not sure if you saw my comment on the tutorial online at Still Moments
Nursery. A gal there shows how she does the cable ties… and tucks them into the
fabric etc… Looked really good after she did that.

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That’s what I do. I buy the string bodies, because they are cheaper and I put in cable ties.


Well, I fully agree with the ladies here…if you buy the string tie bodies, definitely get cable times to replace them…On the difference in the cheap bodies verses the more expensive…I have not bought BB bodies for several years now as I have all mine custom made…but if they are the same as before…the more expensive ones are a nicer fabric…I think if you are a beginner though, the cheaper ones work well and you should be happy with those…you may change down the road but lots of ladies are happy with the BB bodies and I have to say that I use to buy the more expensive BB bodies for the first few years I was reborning and loved them then… :smile:


I much prefer cable ties :slight_smile:

Thanks all…and Kaykay i will go look at the turorial …
I tried to slide the ties back into the opening as one turorial showed but the space was too narrow and trying to was starting to fray the opening so thought id better stop as didnt seem like it would fit in anyway.
.I didnt like how the arms set so far back on the body the RIGHT way didnt look right at all and since it was for children i just put it how it looked best…backwards . ties in front!!
Good idea for cutting…and what is moles skin? a material or tape?

I cut the cable ties with a 1/2" tail and insert this back into the opening using the cut off piece (the discard) as a guide. By that I mean insert the discard into the opening and using pliers insert the small piece under the guide. Goes in easily then throw away the discard piece.

Moleskin is a Dr. Scholl’s foot product. It has a peel off backing. It’s very sticky. I use it to seal my limbs.

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I prefer the string ties. I have some dolls with the cable ties and even though I cut the tie close to the end and sealed it so it would not scratch the clothes, it still leaves a hard “bump” when you pick up the doll. I like to use the plugs so I can pull the string really tight against the vinyl. I glue the ends of the cut strings against the cloth body so the strings will not unravel and will not show past the vinyl doll part. The dolls I make are for myself, so if the string does stretch out someday, I can always just replace the string. I guess If I make a doll for someone else, I will ask them which they prefer I use, cable or string.