Straight leg kits

Hi everyone, I was wondering if any of you ladies could tell me which straight leg kits are available to buy?

I’m pretty sure princess Adelaide and princess Charlotte are 2 of them? perhaps Tobiah

I would love to paint a standing kit for myself :blush:

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The cheap version of Gabriela has an option for straight legs. She’s temporarily out of stock at MacPherson, but Henrietta is in stock. So is Inara. All of these kits allow you to pick limbs. There are 2 standing limb sets and 2 sitting limb sets to choose from.


Tobiah has one straight leg and one bent leg. She’s definitely not a stander. Big June has slightly bent legs, but with an armature, she can stand fairly well.


And Adelaide does make a precious stander. She looks like she’s about to touch a no no. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She’s beautiful :heart::heart: I love the Adelaide sculpt. Her little pouty face is adorable xx

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Tibby is a standing kit.


Thank you, sadly I’m in UK shipping from Canada is quite expensive.

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Thank you, I shall note them all down :kissing_heart:

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Adorable :heart:

She’s a little cutie :two_hearts:

Aww she’s beautiful, what size is she?

Tibby is 31 inches

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Thank you :blush:

I’ve just noticed that you say you are in UK I’m in Guernsey. Tinkerbell Creations has standing Tibby at £59.99.


Thank you :blush:

Iris, Celeste and Mei Ling by Adrie Stoete and Bonnie by Linda Murray to name a few. MacPhersons sells straight legs for toddlers if you want to mix and match.

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Thank you, unfortunately I’m in the UK it’s expensive for shipping from Canada :blush:

You’re welcome. Have you checked out Jayne’s Tinkerbell Creations site? She may sell spare limbs.

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Thank you :blush: she does indeed have some straight legs in stock. I shall keep her in mind, I don’t have a kit yet. My favourite is little Adelaide xx
