Still recommending MG on Patreon

I no longer consider myself a newbie, but I am nowhere near an expert. Is Melissa George’s patreon still a good investment? I can’t decide if I should do $5 or $9. I don’t need supply lists, so what are some other benefits of the $9 level?

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I got nothing out of her. She’s been off for a long while now. She does air dry.

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She has not been on patreon since December due to some personal family issues. I pay the 9.00 per month. I’m still paying even tho she hasn’t been on. I found her videos helpful. She does use air dry, but she has posted conversion charts for genesis paints. Stencils for eyebrow, etc. You could try the 5 or 9 for 1 month n browse through what she has posted. Then decide if you wanna keep paying or cancel.


I found she has a ton of info on her site and that she is adding more all the time – until the family issues came up – then she has been off, as you said, since the first part of December. However, I still pay my $9/month until she gets back. I want to support her through whatever it is she is going through. I don’t know any details and don’t want to know the details. I just know she is having some problems and that I would so appreciate people not deserting me or forgetting me if I were in her place. So, I keep supporting her. I think she is great.


I’m still supporting her too. She has plenty of info on her site to sort through. Eventually she will add more. She’s worth supporting while she works though her personal issues.


I’m still supporting and I think she plans on doing some Genesis tutorials too.


I feel the same, Katina. I know a lot of others do, also. I know it has to help her to know we are supporting her and did not desert her when times turned against her in someway. I would want to know that others did not forget me in a time like that as well. And, she DOES have plenty of info there to comb through for a while to come. :slight_smile:

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I didn’t desert her. I left way before that happened to her because it didn’t help me. JMO.

:slight_smile: That’s different. Not at all like deserting. And, in reality, there is nothing that says anyone needs to keep supporting her in this time, some of us just want to.


Thank you all for your responses. Now, would you recommend the $5 level or the $9 level for an experienced, but not expert reborner?

If you’re doing to do Patreon I would do the 9.00 month…


I would recommend the $9 one.

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