Stick Straight Mohair

@izzy You should see @AmyR777 babies in person. They are amazing.


I only buy it by the half oz and get 2-3 babies rooted thickly with that. The last batch of mohair I bought from Delta Dawn cost $49.00 on sale.

Maybe I’ll get to in 8 weeks!!


Aww, thanks, Melanie! And, yes, you will get to see one in July, @izzy! :grinning:


This baby was rooted with Alpaca…Very straight, very soft. I haven’t had problems with it breaking any more so than fine mohair (I did find I am allergic to it though :grimacing:)


Aww, she looks gorgeous! And her hair looks really silky!

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Thanks Marissa…She caused me to have puffy eyes for about 4 - 6 weeks though…lol Found out I was allergic to Alpaca…It is lovely to work with though…

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I COMPLETELY understand. I am working with rooters for most of my babies because I have allergies and allergy induced asthma. Sorry to hear you had to go through that! :scream:

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1/2 ounce will be plenty, and thanks.