Step outside your comfort zone

I was just having a chat with some reborn friends who are feeling discouraged.

Pandemic, price increases, slow or limited supply issues, China knock offs, slow sales…

You know what they say “When life gives you lemons…”

(frankly I never got it, I love lemons)

My advice (for what it is worth) is step outside your comfort zone, shake it up, have some fun, get creative, play.

Try something new, do something you have always wanted to try but you were too worried to because you didn’t want to ruin a sculpt or you were afraid people would think it was weird or crazy. Have a favorite movie or holiday? Make a theme baby. Find a stuffed animal at the thrift store, bring it home, wash it, cut out its face and stick that extra head you have in there. Make a baby with four arms, two heads, or scissors for hands (awesome movie). Make a retro baby, vintage baby, a green, blue or pink baby. Make a baby with purple eyes and green hair. Make a punk rock baby, a fairy, an elf, a gnome, a bug, a turtle, a puppy, a cat, a porcupine.

Use one of your uglies you keep putting off painting (we all have one in our stash) get an onside older sculpt from BB or a cheapie someone is destashing.

Use craft paint, house paint, sharpies (don’t tell anyone I told you to do that I HATE sharpie on a baby).

Fill it with lavender, make a planter out of a ruined head, make a coin purse out of some test limbs.

Cover a baby in beads (we all have them somewhere) or feathers, wrap it in yarn, bedazzle it. Paint stars, stripes, polka dots.

Just for you, just for fun, just to get those creative juices flowing.

Put it someplace special, in a place where you create, let it be your totem, make a shrine, let it remind you that making stuff is suppose to be fun, its suppose to free you, give you pleasure, excite you, make you feel young, silly, happy.

If you are trying to do this as a “business” give yourself a break, go outside, go for a walk, take off your shoes walk in the grass, take a shower with music and sing really loud. Roll down the windows in your car and let your hair get wrecked. Go get an ice cream cone, find some cool rocks and paint them.

If we learned nothing else this year…

Life is about experiences, it is about family, love, puppies, a great plate of spaghetti, good jokes, sleeping late on Sunday, running through the sprinklers (if you don’t live in California).

Get vaccinated (because it is kind and helpful) and go to the park without a mask and let the sun shine all over you.

Work is work, and we all have stories and stuff, some of us have it better than others and there is always someone else who struggles more. Be where you are, count your blessings and ask the universe to help where you need it.

Move, live, find where your happiness is hiding, it might seem impossible but it isn’t and a little bit goes a long way, sometimes its simply opening up a window and letting some fresh air an light in.

Have a super day everyone.

PS. I can be a cranky negative arsehole, trust me I am grouch some days and imperfect but damn I try to flip that script every chance I get. Happiness takes participation.


I’ve had the same thought. I see people saying they are scared to paint this doll out this doll. I keep thinking, “just do it!” Challenge yourself, go out of your comfort zone. It isn’t going to hurt! With my own mental issue treatment, is required to go out of my comfort zone, just to beat it. It doesn’t hurt. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s too make me comfortable in the end.


I absolutely love this!

For years and years, my Mother in Law gave me such a hard time about being barefooted, and has told me a million times that I was going to either step on a snake or get bitten by a spider if I didn’t put on some shoes! However, there is something so pure about walking barefoot - to feel the earth beneath your feet, and to feel the softness of the grass. It’s one of the few things that draws me back to my childhood growing up on a farm!
I think for the most part, people get so hung up on sales and perfection that we lose what we started out loving with this art form… we fall into a rut. With increased pricing on everything it adds more pressure. I’m a huge gardener and I have a ton of interests in various types of art, so whenever I start to feel burnt out, I switch gears and do something else for a while until I feel my enthusiasm return. Right now, I’m enthusiastic about my “mystery” plants that sprouted from my compost pile! I’m unsure if they are Golden Melons, or Black Diamond Watermelons! Everyone loves a good mystery!


Make a coin purse out of test limbs. I’d love to see someone’s face when you pull out an arm to get some change! :rofl:


I too grew up on a farm and stayed barefoot even when I cleaned stalls out :wink: I still stay barefoot as much as I can it really is good for you, so is hugging trees​:blush:


I was one of those kids that had 2 pair of shoes…one for school and one for church…maybe that’s why I loooove e finding shoes on sale…:joy:

Spent most of my summers barefoot…not so much any more…I need the support that shoes give me!!!


I still don’t like having to wear shoes my feet prefer naked, and I’m an old lady now :laughing:


Agreed :blush:


All true, and stepping outside your comfort zone although difficult is so healthy. Good for you for trying.

I love that! I am a barefoot girl too, and I mop with my feet and a towel, it irritates everyone I know. I have stepped on sharp things, and legos etc. It is worth it. I am a little airy-fairy, I feel connected with my feet on the ground, feet in the grass, I garden barefoot, except when I have to dig with a shovel. Something primitive about earth to skin. Hope what ever is sprouting is yummy.


You can take the girl out of the country…

My sister has always teased me that I have built in soles on my feet and I don’t require shoes :blush:


I thought I was the only one who mopped floors like that


Dont tell my mom!!


I love this!

It is SO true. I found myself burnt out too so I quit painting and rooting and stuffing doll bodies.

I switched gears and have been talking to someone about a project I’m super excited about!! I’m not sharing it yet. IF we can come to a decent agreement, I’ll have the opportunity to completely change the way I create silicone babies. I’m kind of terrified because it will mean cutting into a full body silicone. I mean cutting it in ways only someone who is insane would. I mean, $1,000 doll and I’m gonna change the sculpt in a profound way. Not only does altering a sculpt devalue it some, it can be viewed as rude and insulting to the artist. I really don’t want that to happen BUT, I feel like my artististic liberty still covers what I hope I’m about to do…

Curious yet? Lol!! I’ll share if it all comes together and my attempt at commissioning some work from this other person comes through.

I’m still not back into reborning full on. I suspect that once Grumpy gets here, I’ll want to paint silicone with an over abundance of enthusiasm. :grin::grin::grin: He will be here Saturday. I’m busting at the seams to get my hands on him!

Outside of reborning I had a huge project at work that wraps up this Friday. I’m tired of it. My team will present the proposal Friday and then it is off my plate. I’ve been working this thing for almost a full 13 months. I’m super done with it.

All of these in between things are a great way to step away from painting and leave room for the drive to come back.

Up next, my lily patch. I need to weed it and then I want to do some other gardening. My husband wants to go on a 3 day 2 night hike at some point soon as well. I don’t think I’ll get too much reborning done until it gets cold again.


Off the path - makes me think you and E need to install a fairy door on your nature adventures. :heart:

As for me I have varied from the normal path for a bit. Having fun… hopefully others enjoy them once they are done :wink:


What a wonderful idea! I was thinking of something new to bring to the table. I have not reborned in a year but continue to follow and collect supplies. I am hoping my auto immune issues will level out soon and I can start out with some new techniques. You are a wonderful artist and your babies are fabulous ! I always value your input and suggestions ; we all get grumpy at times and are not perfect but we stick it out and it gives me some hope.


This is what I started doing a while ago. Just having fun with my kits. I went to the store for paint for Ferdinand and instead of giving him a human skin or going for a classic red demon, I picked blue because the color looked nice. I made a robot baby because I wanted to use lots of metallic paints. My work may not appeal to everyone, but it makes me happy.


@Gabriell any pointers on rit dye? :wink:

Not really. I don’t use it for mohair.

I have used it for textiles, salt white vinegar let it sit for a really long time for deep colors.

Rinse cold, until clear.

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Thanks, Its for fabric :wink:

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Unless you have flat feet and plantar fasciitis! Sorry, we’re supposed to be positive. I’m dying,:face_with_hand_over_mouth: imaging cleaning out the stalls in bare feet. Stepping in a pile​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: